OCT. 2, 2015 – In a sit down interview with “Meet the Press” moderator Chuck Todd, Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump reacted to President Obama’s response on the tragic Oregon shootings: “No matter what you do – guns, no guns – it doesn’t matter.”

“You have people that are mentally ill and they’re going to come through the cracks,” said Trump, “and they’re going to do things that people will not even believe are possible.”

Tune in to “Meet the Press” this Sunday for the full interview.

A transcript of this interview excerpt is below, and you can watch the excerpt here:

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DONALD TRUMP: I watched his statement, and I understand exactly what he’s saying.   But, you know, no matter what you do – guns, no guns – it doesn’t matter.  You have people that are mentally ill, and they’re going to come through the cracks. And they’re going to do things that people will not even believe are possible. And whether it’s the school shootings which are really very prevalent in this country.  They seem to be more prevalent in this country. And I’m not sure —

CHUCK TODD: What’s your explanation?

DONALD TRUMP: They’re just sick people. They’re mentally imbalanced, and they probably see it happening here more so —

CHUCK TODD: Do you think we have more mentally ill people than other countries?

DONALD TRUMP: I think what we have is, I think, we have copy cats.  I think that they watch it and they see it here more than other places. And the world can be a pretty sick place in so many different ways.  But we have mentally, very unstable, people and that is going to lead – and you know it’s not politically correct to say.  You can have the best security. You have the best everything, but people are able to get in and do this — just terrible damage.

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For more information, please contact:

Olivia Petersen

NBC News


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“Meet the Press” is where newsmakers come to make news — setting the political agenda and spotlighting the impact Washington decision-making has on people across the country. “Meet the Press” reaches more than 3 million people every Sunday through its broadcasts and millions more through, the #TweetThePress interview series, Flipboard, and social media platforms.  Chuck Todd is the moderator of “Meet the Press” and John Reiss is the executive producer.

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