NBC Broadcast Attracts Biggest Audience in Over 2 Months and Widest Lead Over ABC in 3 Months

Nightly is the Only Evening Newscast to Post Growth Week-to-Week and Versus 2Q’15 Averages

JUNE 30, 2015 – “NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt” was solidly #1 in all categories during Holt’s first official week as permanent anchor, posting strong gains across the board week-to-week, versus quarter-to-date levels, and compared to the same week last season.

The NBC broadcast delivered its biggest audience in more than two months (since the week of (4/20/15) and widest total viewer lead over ABC in over three months (since the week of 3/16/2015). Nightly has now been #1 in total viewers for 6 of the last 9 weeks.

Nightly also drew its best A25-54 delivery in three months (since the week of 3/23/2015), while both ABC and CBS declined week-to-week.  The NBC broadcast posted its biggest demo lead versus ABC since the week of 3/2/2015 and widest gap over CBS since the week of 3/16/2015.

Nightly was the only evening newscast to show week-to-week growth, while ABC and CBS were down across the board.  Nightly posted gains in total viewers (+7%, or +506,000), A25-54 viewers (+5%, or +95,000), and A18-49 viewers (+7%, or +93,000).

Nightly was also the only evening newscast to show total viewer growth versus its quarter average.  Compared to 2Q’15 levels, Nightly posted increases in total viewers (+4%, or +281,000), A18-49 viewers (+12%, or +155,000), and A25-54 viewers (+9%, or +161,000).

Versus the same week last season, Nightly was up across the board in total viewers (+1%, or +91,000), A18-49 viewers (+2%, or +31,000), and A25-54 viewers (+3%, or +52,000).

Weekly Highlights:            

  • Nightly averaged 8.048 million total viewers, +326,000 (+4%) more than ABC World News Tonight and +1,440,000 (22%) ahead of CBS Evening News.
  • Nightly averaged 1.970 million A25-54 viewers, leading ABC by +37,000 (+2%) and CBS by +497,000 (+34%).
  • Nightly delivered a 1.7 A25-54 rating, +1 tenth more than ABC and +5 tenths more than CBS.
  • Nightly averaged 1.432 million A18-49 viewers, leading ABC by +105,000 (+8%) and CBS by +397,000 (+38%).
  • Nightly delivered a 1.1 A18-49 rating, +1 tenth ahead of ABC and +3 tenths more than CBS.

Season-to-Date Highlights:

  • Nightly is averaging 8.808 million total viewers, outperforming ABC by +4% (+334,000) and CBS by +24% (1.678 million).
  • Nightly is averaging 2.090 million A25-54 viewers this season, a statistical tie with ABC (-5,000) and leading CBS by +25% (+422,000).
  • Nightly is averaging 1.499 million A18-49 viewers this season, leading ABC by +6% (+83,000) and CBS by +33% (+369,000).

WEEK OF JUNE 22-26, 2015

Total Viewers A25-54 Rating A25-54 Viewers A18-49 Ratings A18-49 Viewers
NBC 8.048 1.65 1.970 1.13 1.432
CBS 6.608 1.23 1.473 0.82 1.035
ABC 7.722 1.62 1.933 1.04 1.327


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