NBC Broadcast Posts Widest Total Viewer Lead over ABC & CBS in Four Weeks

MARCH 10, 2015 — “NBC Nightly News” was America’s most-watched evening newscast for the week of March 2-6, 2015, according to Nielsen Media Research data.  Nightly was #1 in total viewers and the A25-54 and A18-49 demos for the second consecutive week.

The NBC broadcast delivered its widest total viewer margins over both ABC and CBS in four weeks (since the week of 2/2/2015) and was the only evening news program to improve its total viewer delivery compared to the previous week.

Nightly averaged over 10 million viewers on three evenings during the week (Tuesday through Thursday), marking the 9th consecutive week Nightly has hit the 10 million viewer mark on at least one evening of the week.

Nightly has been #1 among A25-54 viewers in 8 of the last 9 weeks and 12 of the last 14 weeks.  Nightly has been the #1 evening news program in total viewers for 285 consecutive weeks and 328 of the last 329 weeks.

Compared to 1Q’15 levels, Nightly increased its total viewers advantages by +6% vs. ABC and +12% vs. CBS, and increased its A25-54 lead by +15% vs. CBS.

Weekly Highlights:

  • Nightly averaged 9.738 million total viewers, leading ABC World News Tonight by +484,000 and CBS Evening News by +2.084 million.
  • Nightly averaged 2.391 million A25-54 viewers, topping ABC by +90,000 and CBS by +609,000.
  • Nightly delivered a 2.0 A25-54 rating, +1 tenth more than ABC and +5 tenths more than CBS.
  • Nightly averaged 1.709 million A18-49 viewers, topping ABC by +174,000 and CBS by +485,000.
  • Nightly delivered a 1.4 A18-49 rating, +2 tenths more than ABC and +4 tenths more than CBS.


  • Season-to-date, Nightly is the #1 evening news broadcast in total viewers and all key demographics.
  • Nightly is averaging 9.415 million total viewers this season, leading ABC by +6% (+556,000) and CBS by +27% (+1.977 million).
  • Nightly is averaging 2.252 million A25-54 viewers season-to-date, topping ABC by +2% (+40,000) and CBS by +26% (+463,000).
  • Nightly’s 1.629 million A18-49 viewers leads ABC by +10% (+145,000) and CBS by +36% (+427,000) this season.

WEEK OF MARCH 2-6, 2015

Total Viewers A25-54 Rating A25-54 Viewers A18-49 Ratings A18-49 Viewers
NBC 9.738 2.0 2.391 1.4 1.709
CBS 7.654 1.5 1.782 1.0 1.224
ABC 9.254 1.9 2.301 1.2 1.535


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