HILLARY EMAIL CONTROVERSY, FOREIGN POLICY – What does former Sec. of State Hillary Clinton’s email controversy mean for the Democratic Party and its anticipated 2016 presidential candidate? Do House Republicans have ammunition to reignite Benghazi discussions? And after this week’s speech from Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, how is the U.S. approaching relations with Iran?
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)
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ANNIVERSARY OF SELMA MARCH – The problems that still exist in Selma through the eyes of its residents and the reality of two “Selmas.” President Obama visits the city this weekend to mark the 50th anniversary of the historic civil rights march in Alabama, as comparisons are drawn to Ferguson and the future of race relations examined.
Rep. John Lewis (D-GA)
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THE STATE OF POLITICAL RHETORIC – How far is too far when it comes to political and online discourse? Several politicians, including Sen. Claire McCaskill, call for an end to bullying after a whisper campaign is blamed for the tragic death of Missouri state auditor Tom Schweich. Curt Schilling, who recently exposed two men who sent vulgar tweets to his daughter, also addresses the powerful coarsening of rhetoric in America.
Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO)
Curt Schilling
Former Major League Baseball Pitcher
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POLITICAL PANEL – Why is the Hillary email controversy just now coming to light when the White House was alerted in August? Will it affect support for the potential presidential candidate? Where do other presidential candidates stand in the field?
Jonathan Martin
National Political Correspondent, The New York Times
Kathleen Parker
Columnist, The Washington Post
Manu Raju
Senior Congressional Reporter, POLITICO
Amy Walter
National Editor, The Cook Political Report
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ALSO ON SUNDAY – NBC News Chief Capitol Hill Correspondent Kelly O’Donnell joins from the Iowa Agriculture Summit, where all eyes are on Jeb Bush as he and several GOP hopefuls are pitching their agriculture credentials
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For more information contact:
Olivia Petersen
NBC News
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