NBC Broadcast is #1 in Total Viewers and Younger Viewers A18-49

FEBRUARY 24, 2015– “NBC Nightly News” was America’s most-watched evening newscast for the week of February 16-20, 2015, according to Nielsen Media Research data.  The NBC broadcast was #1 in both total viewers and younger viewers A18-49. Nightly increased its total viewer lead over ABC by +5% week-to-week.

The NBC broadcast averaged over 10 million viewers for the fourth time this season.  In fact, Nightly is the only evening news program to surpass 10 million viewers during a broadcast week in the last 8 years.

Week-to-week, Nightly posted across-the-board gains in total viewers (+7%, or +673,000), A18-49 viewers (+9%, or +147,000) and A25-54 viewers (+11%, or +262,000).

Nightly also posted increases versus its 1Q’15-to-date average in total viewers (+3%, or +259,000), A18-49 viewers (+1%, or +26,000), and A25-54 viewers (+6%, or+134,000). Nightly has been #1 among total viewers for 283 consecutive weeks.

Season-to-date, Nightly is the #1 evening news program in total viewers and all key demographics. Nightly is averaging 9.387 million total viewers this season, leading ABC by +577,000 (+7%) and CBS by +1.991 million (+27%).  Nightly is averaging 2.236 million A25-54 viewers, leading ABC by +36,000 (+2%) and leading CBS by +456,000 (+26%).  Nightly’s 1.619 million A18-49 viewers leads ABC by +10% (+143,000) and CBS by +35% (+424,000) this season.

NOTE: Year-ago comparisons are versus the second full week of the Sochi Olympics.

Weekly Highlights:

  • Nightly averaged 10.103 million total viewers, leading ABC World News Tonight by +416,000 and CBS Evening News by +1.606 million.
  • Nightly has now topped ABC by at least +350,000 viewers in 19 consecutive weeks.
  • Nightly averaged 2.554 million A25-54 viewers, topping CBS by +529,000.
  • Nightly delivered a 2.1 A25-54 rating, +4 tenths more than CBS.
  • Nightly averaged 1.761 million A18-49 viewers, topping ABC by +26,000 and CBS by +396,000.
  • Nightly delivered a 1.4 A18-49 rating, tied for #1 with ABC and +3 tenths more than CBS.

WEEK OF FEBRUARY 16-20, 2015

Total Viewers A25-54 Rating A25-54 Viewers A18-49 Ratings A18-49 Viewers
NBC 10.103 2.1 2.554 1.4 1.761
CBS 8.497 1.7 2.025 1.1 1.365
ABC 9.687 2.2 2.571 1.4 1.735


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