NEW YORK – January 21, 2015 — NBC News’ Peacock Productions is joining together with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to produce groundbreaking underwater expeditions of their recent discoveries on the ocean floor. The initial project, set to air on live television later this year, will be the first-ever exploration of the German U-boat-576. Peacock Productions will take viewers to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean to explore the history and mysteries of U-576 that was sunk by aircraft fire more than 72 years ago. The missing World War II submarine was recently discovered by NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries off the coast of North Carolina.

“The subaquatic research NOAA has done is revolutionary and we are thrilled to join together and share the stories behind their incredible underwater discoveries,” said Sharon Scott, President and General Manager of Peacock Productions.

“Peacock Productions is renowned for live television events with an expertise in complicated productions,” said James Delgado, Maritime Heritage Director for the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries. “We are excited to share our findings and the exploration of the U-576 vessel is an integral part to understanding this chapter of American history.”


About Peacock Productions:

Peacock Productions is a nonfiction production company that combines the editorial expertise, technical resources, and seasoned talent of NBCUniversal to create series, events, and live specials for global audiences. Peacock Productions reaches more than 300 million people worldwide every year across broadcast, cable, syndication, and emerging platforms with its award-winning specials and series. Sharon Scott is the President and General Manager.

About NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries:

NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries serves as trustee for a system of 14 marine protected areas, encompassing more than 170,000 square miles of America’s ocean and Great Lakes waters. Through active research, management, and public engagement, national marine sanctuaries sustain healthy environments that are the foundation for thriving communities and stable economies.

For more information contact:

Farrin Jay
NBC News
e: farrin.jay@nbcuni.com