“Meet the Press with Chuck Todd” Posts Growth Over Quarter-to-Date Average

SEPTEMBER 18, 2014 – “Meet the Press with Chuck Todd” averaged 2.589 million total viewers and a 0.6 A25-54 rating (668,000 A25-54 viewers) on Sunday, September 14, 2014, according to Nielsen Media Research data.   In Chuck Todd’s second week as moderator, the NBC broadcast grew +7% in total viewers compared to its 3Q’14-to-date average.

“Meet the Press” was #1 across the board in Washington, DC, averaging 58,000 total viewers and 35,000 A25-54 viewers.

In the first two weeks of Chuck Todd’s tenure, MTP is posting the largest total viewer growth versus the month of August among the public affairs shows (up +15%, or +371,000) while also increasing among A18-49 viewers (+2%) and A25-54 viewers (+8%).


Show Name Total Viewers    A25-54
MEET THE PRESS 2,589 0.6 668
FACE THE NATION 3,054 0.8 913
FACE THE NATION HOUR 2,356 0.6 702
THIS WEEK 2,889 0.8 947
FOX NEWS SUNDAY 1,267 0.4 419


Media contacts

For more information contact:
Erika Masonhall
NBC News
o: (212) 664-3230
c: (917) 628-8943
e: erika.masonhall@nbcuni.com