Coming Up On “Meet The Press With Chuck Todd” 9/21/14: Adm. Mullen, Sens. Johnson & Murphy On ISIS Strategy; Norquist & Frank On Tax Cuts

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THE ISIS THREAT: What does the United States need to do in order to “degrade and destroy” ISIS? Plus does the back and forth this week between the White House and the President’s top general show that the military and the administration are not on the same page?

Adm. Michael Mullen
Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI)
Senate Foreign Relations Committee

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT)
Senate Foreign Relations Committee

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ON ALERT: What is the likelihood of ISIS planning an attack on the U.S. homeland? And what is the government doing to prepare?

Vali Nasr
Dean, the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies
Author, “The Dispensable Nation: American Foreign Policy in Retreat”

Michael Leiter
NBC News National Security Analyst
Former Director, U.S. National Counterterrorism Center

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THE TAX DEBATE: Is there any link between cutting taxes and growing the economy? We’ll examine why the outcome of the governor’s race in Kansas will have huge implications on the future of the tax debate in the United States.

Grover Norquist
President, Americans for Tax Reform

Thomas Frank
Author, “What’s the Matter with Kansas?”

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John Stanton
Washington Bureau Chief, BuzzFeed

Amy Walter
National Editor, The Cook Political Report

Ramesh Ponnuru
Senior Editor, National Review

Neera Tanden
President, Center for American Progress

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Media contacts

For more information contact:
Erika Masonhall
NBC News
o: (212) 664-3230
c: (917) 628-8943