Beats GMA in A25-54 Again and Narrows Total Viewer Gap by 20% Last Week

Increases Across-The-Board Lead Over CBS Week-Over-Week

Maintains Top Spot in All-Important Demo Season-to-Date for Six Consecutive Years

NEW YORK – Jan. 20, 2020 – Last week, NBC News’ TODAY again won the demo most-important to news advertisers, marking 73 weeks-in-a-row at number-one, and beating ABC’s “Good Morning America” (GMA) and “CBS This Morning” (CTM) in A25-54 for 262 out of the past 264 weeks. TODAY also narrowed the total viewer gap versus GMA compared to the prior week by 20 percent, and increased its lead across-the-board against CTM.

For six years in a row, TODAY has been the winner in the key demo at this point in the season.


WEEK OF 1/11/2021 – 1/17/2021

TODAY averaged 988,000 A25-54 viewers, leading GMA by +42,000 (+4%) and CBS This Morning by +387,000 (+59%)

  • TODAY has now ranked #1 in the key demo for 73 consecutive weeks and 262 of the last 264 weeks
  • Week-over-week, TODAY’s A25-54 lead over CBS was up by 1%

TODAY averaged 717,000 A18-49 viewers, leading GMA by +44,000 (+7%) and CBS by +307,000 (+75%)

  • TODAY is the #1 ranked morning show in A18-49 for the 69th consecutive week and 281st of the last 284 weeks
  • Week-over-week, TODAY increased its A18-49 lead over CBS by 6%

TODAY averaged 3.284 million total viewers, beating CBS This Morning by +579,000 (+21%)

  • Week-over-week, TODAY improved its total viewer gap versus GMA (20% closer) and advantage over CBS (14% higher)

2020-21 SEASON-TO-DATE (9/21/2020-1/17/2020)

TODAY has ranked #1 in both A25-54 and A18-49 at this point of the season for 6 consecutive years

TODAY’s A18-49 lead over GMA (+120,000) is 14% higher than prior year and its biggest advantage in three seasons

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