TODAY Tops GMA in Total Viewers and the Key Demo for the Week

TODAY Wins 239 out of 241 Weeks in A25-54

TODAY Posts Biggest Total Viewer Delivery Since April; Biggest Demo Lead Over GMA Since May

TODAY Only Morning Program To Grow in Key Demo Week Over Week

NEW YORK – August 11, 2020 – TODAY was the number-one morning show outright last week, topping “Good Morning America” in total viewers, A25-54 and A18-49. TODAY has now won 239 out of 241 weeks in the key demo. TODAY posted its biggest total viewer delivery since April (week of 4/6/2020) and biggest demo lead over GMA since May (week of 5/18/2020). Additionally, week over week TODAY was the only morning program to grow in the key demo and versus the same week last season, tripled its demo lead versus GMA. Season to date, TODAY ranks first among A25-54 and A18-49 viewers.


TODAY averaged 3.296 million total viewers, leading GMA by +17,000 (+1%) and CBS This Morning by +719,000 (+28%)

  • This was TODAY’s first total viewer victory in 17 weeks (week of 4/6/2020) and its best advantage over GMA since the week of 3/23/2020 (a 19-week high)
  • Week-over-week, TODAY increased its total viewer advantage over CBS by 7%.

TODAY averaged 995,000 A25-54 viewers, outperforming GMA by +108,000 (+12%) and CBS This Morning by +410,000 (+70%)

  • TODAY has now ranked #1 in A25-54 for 50 consecutive weeks and 239 of the last 241 weeks
  • This represents TODAY’s widest demo win over GMA in 11 weeks (since the week of 5/18/2020)
  • Compared to the same week last season, TODAY tripled its A25-54 lead over GMA and increased its lead over CBS by 10%.
  • Week-over-week, TODAY was the only morning show to add A25-54 viewers (up +21,000), increasing its advantages over both GMA (66% higher) and CBS (up 12%). 

TODAY averaged 697,000 A18-49 viewers, +108,000 (+18%) more than GMA and +306,000 (+78%) higher than CBS

  • TODAY’s A18-49 lead over CBS hit an eight-week high
  • Compared to the same week last season, TODAY increased its A18-49 advantage over GMA by 32%
  • TODAY’s A18-49 lead over CBS improved by 4% week-over-week.

SEASON-TO-DATE (9/23/2019-8/9/2020)

TODAY ranks #1 among both A25-54 and A18-49 viewers

TODAY’s A18-49 lead over GMA has grown by 28% while its lead over CBS is up 3% compared to last season

  • Lead over GMA is +127,000 (vs. +99,000 last season)
  • Lead over CBS is +381,000 (vs. +370,000 last season)