TODAY Wins 190 out of 192 Weeks in A25-54

TODAY Posts 11-Week High in Total Viewers

TODAY Posts Closest Total Viewer Margin Vs. GMA In 7 Years, Best Total Viewer Lead Vs. CBS in 3 Years

NEW YORK – September 4, 2019 – TODAY was the number-one morning show last week topping “Good Morning America” in the key demo A25-54. The win marks 190 out of 192 weeks in first place. TODAY also posted its largest total viewer audience since the week of June 10, an 11-week high.  Season to date, TODAY is posting its closest total viewer margin versus GMA in seven seasons and its largest total viewer lead over CBS in three seasons.  Additionally, just 68,000 total viewers separate TODAY and GMA for the season.


Program P25-54 P25-54 P18-49 P18-49 P2+
Rtg Imps Rtg Imps Imps
TODAY 0.90 1,096 0.61 785 3,601
CBS THIS MORNING 0.63 764 0.41 536 2,838
GOOD MORNING AMERICA 0.88 1,066 0.55 717 3,796

TODAY averaged 1.096 million A25-54 viewers, leading GMA by +30,000 (+3%) and CBS This Morning by +332,000 (+43%)

TODAY averaged 785,000 A18-49 viewers, +68,000 (+9%) ahead of GMA and +249,000 (+46%) higher than CBS

  • TODAY more than doubled its A18-49 lead over GMA vs. prior week (+68,000 vs. +27,000 prior week).

TODAY averaged 3.601 million total viewers +763,000 (+27%) higher than CBS

  • Vs. prior week, TODAY added +13,000 total viewers (up +0.4%) This was TODAY’s largest total audience since the week of 6/10/2019 (an 11-week high).

SEASON-TO-DATE (9/24/2018-9/1/2019)

TODAY ranks #1 among A25-54 and A18-49

TODAY is seeing its largest total viewer lead over CBS season-to-date in 3 seasons and its most narrow gap vs. GMA in 7 seasons

  • TODAY’s total viewer advantage over CBS is up 18% vs. the same period last season (+875,000 vs. +744,000 last season)
  • Only 68,000 viewers separate TODAY and GMA, which is 7% closer than the same point last season