TODAY Wins 186 Weeks in Key Demo, Best Streak in Nearly 7 Years

TODAY Tops GMA in Total Viewers Tuesday and Thursday

TODAY Shrinks Total Viewer Gap with GMA Year Over Year and Week Over Week

NEW YORK – July 23, 2019 – TODAY was the number-one morning show last week topping “Good Morning America” in the key demo A25-54. The win marks 186 consecutive weeks in first place, TODAY’s best demo streak in nearly seven years.  No other morning news show has been number one in the demo for as long a streak.  TODAY also won in total viewers last Tuesday and Thursday.

Additionally, TODAY narrowed the total viewer gap with GMA by a whopping 83% versus last year and 61% versus last week.  Season-to-date, TODAY is posting its best total viewer lead over CBS in three years, and just 56,000 total viewers separate TODAY and GMA.


Program P25-54
TODAY 0.84 1,016 0.56 719 3,428
CBS THIS MORNING 0.56 681 0.36 468 2,754
GOOD MORNING AMERICA 0.78 942 0.48 620 3,460

TODAY averaged 1.016 million A25-54 viewers, leading GMA by +74,000 (+8%) and CBS This Morning by +335,000 (+49%)

  • TODAY has now ranked #1 among A25-54 viewers for 186 consecutive weeks (best streak in almost seven years) and 202 of the last 203 weeks.  No other morning news show has been #1 in the demo for as long a streak
  • TODAY’s demo lead improved over GMA by 80% and over CBS by 7% week-over-week

TODAY averaged 719,000 A18-49 viewers, +99,000 (+16%) ahead of GMA and +251,000 (+54%) higher than CBS

TODAY averaged 3.428 million total viewers, +674,000 (+24%) more than CBS

  • TODAY ranked #1 in total viewers on Tuesday and Thursday
  • TODAY closed the total viewer gap vs. GMA by 83% compared to the same week last year
  • TODAY’s total viewer gap vs. GMA 61% closer than prior week

SEASON-TO-DATE (9/24/2018-7/21/2019)

TODAY ranks #1 among A25-54 and A18-49

TODAY is seeing its largest total viewer lead over CBS season-to-date in three years

  • TODAY’s total viewer advantage over CBS is up 19% vs. the same period last season (+882,000 vs. +740,000 last season)
  • Only 56,000 viewers separate TODAY and GMA, which is 11% narrower than the same point last season

For more information contact:

Megan Stackhouse
NBC News
p: 212-664-6205