TODAY Tops GMA in Key A25-54 Demo For Month and Week 

TODAY Posts Biggest Monthly Demo Lead Over GMA Since November 2021

TODAY Is the Only Morning Program to Grow Across the Board Month Over Month

TODAY Is #1 in Key Demo Season to Date

NEW YORK – October 31, 2023 – NBC News’ TODAY was the number-one morning show in October, topping ABC’s “Good Morning America” in the key demo A25-54. TODAY posted its biggest monthly demo lead over GMA since November 2021 and was the only morning program to grow across the board versus the prior month.

Last week, TODAY marked its eleventh straight weekly demo win, its longest streak since April 2022. Additionally, season to date, TODAY is the top-rated morning show in the key demo A25-54 and in A18-49.



  • TODAY ranked #1 in A25-54 for the 9th time of the last 12 months, posting its biggest monthly demo win over GMA in 23 months (since November 2021). 
  • TODAY has now ranked #1 in A18-49 for 14 consecutive months and 101 of the last 103 months (since April 2015)
  • Vs. prior month, TODAY was the only morning show to grow its audience across-the-board
  • Vs. prior year, TODAY was the only morning show to increase in A18-49 while also posting the smallest YoY declines in A25-54 and total viewership

TODAY averaged 708,000 A25-54 viewers, beating ABC by +93,000 (+15%) and leading CBS by +263,000 (+59%)

  • Vs. prior month, TODAY was the only program up in A18-49 (+23,000, up +3%), improved its A25-54 lead over GMA by 60% (+93,000 vs. +58,000 prior month) and over CBS by 20% (+263,000 vs. +220,000 prior month)

TODAY averaged 512,000 A18-49 viewers, beating GMA by +96,000 (+23%) and leading CBS by +226,000 (+79%)

  • Vs. prior month, TODAY posted the biggest A25-54 gain (+39,000, up +8%), improved its A18-49 advantage vs. GMA by 57% (+96,000 vs. +61,000 prior month), and increased its lead vs. CBS by 35% (+226,000 vs. +168,000 prior month) 
  • Vs. prior year, TODAY was the only program up in A18-49 (+2,000, or +0.4%), improved its A18-49 advantage vs. GMA by 500% (+96,000 vs. +16,000 prior year), and widened its lead vs. CBS by 64% (+226,000 vs. +138,000 prior year) 

TODAY averaged 2.746 million total viewers, leading CBS by +547,000 (+25%) 

  • Vs. prior month, TODAY saw the biggest increase in total viewership (+31,000, up +1%)

TODAY Digital averaged 50 million monthly unique visitors in Q3 2023, growing 19% year-over-year.

  • TODAY Digital ended the quarter by reaching its largest audience this year with 53 million unique visitors in September, up 25% year-over-year. 


WEEK of 10/23/2023

Note: TODAY was retitled on Friday due to special report impact (Maine shooting press conference).


  • TODAY beats GMA by over 100,000 A25-54/A18-49 viewers for third time in last five weeks
  • #1 in A25-54 for the 11th consecutive week (TODAY’s longest weekly winning streak since April 2022) and 19th time in the last 25 weeks
    • Biggest TODAY demo win over GMA in 48 weeks (since week of 11/21/2022, Thanksgiving Week) and over CBS in 41 weeks (since week of 1/9/2023)
  • #1 in A18-49 for the 12th consecutive week and in 55 of the last 60 weeks
    • TODAY more than doubles its A18-49 lead over GMA vs. prior year
  • TODAY has improved its A25-54 & A18-49 advantages over GMA vs. prior year for the 12th week in a row
  • Season-to-date through Week 5, TODAY ranks #1 in A25-54 and A18-49 

TODAY averaged 719,000 A25-54 viewers, beating Good Morning America by +118,000 (+20%) and leading CBS Mornings by +271,000 (+60%)

  • TODAY has been the #1 morning show in A25-54 for 12 consecutive weeks (19 of the last 25 weeks) and beaten CBS in the key demo for 1,628 weeks (since 8/10/1992)
  • Week-over-week, TODAY was the only program to post growth (+11,000, up +2%) while improving its A25-54 advantage vs. GMA by 24% (+118,000 vs. +95,000 prior week) and over CBS by 13% (+271,000 vs. +239,000 prior week)
  • Versus the same week last season, TODAY improved its A25-54 advantage vs. GMA by 490% (+118,000 vs. +20,000 prior year) and vs. CBS by 37% (+271,000 vs. +198,000 prior year)

TODAY averaged 508,000 A18-49 viewers, beating GMA by +101,000 (+25%) and leading CBS by +237,000 (+87%)

  • TODAY ranked #1 in A18-49 for the 12th consecutive week (55 of the last 260 weeks) and has outperformed CBS for 1,628 consecutive weeks (since 8/10/1992)
  • Week-over-week, TODAY improved its A18-49 viewership advantage vs. GMA by 5% (+101,000 vs. +96,000 prior week) and vs. CBS by 12% (+237,000 vs. +211,000 prior week)

TODAY averaged 2.738 million total viewers, leading CBS by +507,000 (+23%)

  • TODAY has beaten CBS for 1,628 consecutive weeks in total viewers (since 8/10/1992)

TODAY Digital reached 13.3.1M unique visitors last week.

  • The brand drove 25M video views across on and off net platforms

2023-24 SEASON-TO-DATE (9/25/2023-10/29/2023)

TODAY is the #1 ranked morning show in A25-54 and A18-49 season-to-date
