TODAY Tops GMA in A25-54 for 7 Consecutive Weeks

TODAY Posts Biggest Season Premiere Week Advantage in Key Demo in 2 Years

TODAY Posts Largest Demo Lead Over GMA in 44 Weeks and 21-Week High in Total Viewer Delivery

TODAY Grows Demo Lead Over GMA Versus Prior Week

NEW YORK – September 12, 2023 – NBC News’ TODAY was the number-one morning show last week, topping ABC’s “Good Morning America” in the key demo A25-54, posting its biggest season premiere week advantage in two years. Additionally, TODAY has won seven consecutive weeks in the key demo and posted its biggest demo win in 44 weeks.

Last week, TODAY posted a 21-week high in total viewer delivery and narrowed the total viewer gap with GMA versus the prior week.

Note: This was the first week of the 2023-24 broadcast television season. TODAY is based on a four-day average, retitled on Friday due to special report impact (death of Sen. Dianne Feinstein).


  • TODAY posts biggest season premiere week wins among A25-54 & A18-49 in 2 years
  • TODAY posted bigger A25-54 & A18-49 advantages over GMA vs. prior year for the 8thconsecutive week
  • #1 in A25-54 for the seventh consecutive week (longest weekly winning streak since June) and 15th time in the last 21 weeks
    • TODAY posts its biggest A25-54 lead over GMA in 44 weeks (since week of 11/21/2022 – Thanksgiving Week) and widest advantage over CBS in 37 weeks (since week of 1/9/2023)
    • TODAY has beaten GMA head-to-head in A25-54 on 21 consecutive mornings (since 8/23/2023), its longest unbroken daily streak in the key demo since April 2021 
  • TODAY ranked #1 in A18-49 for the eighth consecutive week and 24th time in the last 26 weeks
    • TODAY hit a 20-week high in A18-49 viewership, biggest lead over GMA in 44 weeks, and widest lead over CBS in 37 weeks
  • 21-week high in total viewership (since week of 5/1/2023), closest gap vs. GMA in 44 weeks, and best advantage over CBS in 14 weeks
    • TODAY beat GMA by +71,000 total viewers on Thursday morning, its first single-day victory since Monday 10/31/2022 (Halloween)
  • TODAY is the only morning news program to see growth in A25-54, A18-49, or total viewers vs. prior week

TODAY averaged 709,000 A25-54 viewers, beating GMA by +111,000 (+19%) and leading CBS by +270,000 (+62%)

  • TODAY has been the #1 morning show in A25-54 for seven consecutive weeks and ranked ahead of CBS for 1,624 straight weeks (since 8/10/1992)
  • TODAY’s A25-54 advantage over ABC is the largest seen in 44 weeks (since 11/21/22) and versus CBS is the largest seen in 37 weeks (since 1/9/23)
  • TODAY improved its A25-54 competitive position over GMA vs. prior year for the 8thconsecutive week
  • TODAY has beaten GMA on 21 consecutive mornings rated head-to-head, its longest unbroken daily winning streak since April 2021
  • Week-over-week, TODAY was the only morning show to increase in A25-54 viewership (+9,000, up +1%) and improved its demo lead over GMA by 76% (+111,000 vs. +63,000 prior week) and over CBS by 12% (+270,000 vs. +241,000 prior week)
  • Compared to the same week last season, TODAY improved its A25-54 competitive position vs. GMA (+111,000 vs. a demo tie prior year) and improved its advantage vs. CBS by 39% (+270,000 vs. +194,000 prior year)

TODAY averaged 514,000 A18-49 viewers, beating GMA by +109,000 (+27%) and leading CBS by +210,000 (+69%)

  • TODAY’s A18-49 viewership reached a 20-week high (best since 5/8/23), helping boost its advantage over ABC to the highest level in 44 weeks (since 11/21/22) and its lead vs. CBS to the largest seen in 37 weeks (since 1/9/23)
  • TODAY improved its A25-54 advantage over GMA vs. prior year for the 8th consecutive week 
  • TODAY was the only morning show to grow in A18-49 viewership vs. prior week (+44,000, up +9%), nearly doubling its lead vs. GMA (+109,000 vs. +57,000 prior week) and increasing its lead over CBS by 30% (+210,000 vs. +161,000 prior week)
  • Compared to the same week last season, TODAY’s A18-49 lead over GMA was over 18 times higher (+109,000 vs. +57,000 prior year) and it increased its advantage over CBS by 36% (+210,000 vs. +154,000 prior year)

TODAY averaged 2.779 million total viewers, leading CBS by +588,000 (+27%)

  • TODAY has beaten CBS for 1,624 consecutive weeks (since 8/10/1992)
  • TODAY posted its highest total viewership in 21 weeks (best since 5/1/23), closest gap vs. GMA in 44 weeks (since 11/21/22) and largest advantage over CBS in 14 weeks (since 6/19/23)
  • TODAY beat GMA by +71,000 total viewers on Thursday morning, its first single-day victory since Monday 10/31/2022 (Halloween)
  • TODAY was the only morning show to increase its total viewership week-over-week (+82,000, up +3%), reducing its gap vs. GMA by 49% (-128,000 vs. -253,000 prior week) and improving its advantage over CBS by 23% (+588,000 vs. +477,000 prior week)

TODAY Digital reached 11.8M unique visitors last week.

  • The brand drove 28M video views across on and off net platforms
