TODAY Tops GMA in Key Demo For Quarter, Month and Week

TODAY Post Largest A25-54 Demo Lead Over GMA in 7 Months, Posts Highest Total Viewership in 6 Weeks

TODAY Grows Demo Lead Over GMA for Quarter, Month and Week

TODAY Is #1 in Key Demo Season to Date for 8th Straight Year 

NEW YORK – June 27, 2023 – NBC News’ TODAY was the number-one morning show for the second quarter in 2023, topping ABC’s “Good Morning America” in the key demo. TODAY has now won the key A25-54 demo for the last 29 out of 31 quarters. TODAY more than tripled its demo lead over GMA versus the prior quarter, posting its best demo advantage since the first quarter of 2022. TODAY also posted its largest demo lead over GMA in seven months.

TODAY also won in the key demo last week, marking seven weeks at number one, its longest streak in over a year. Versus the prior year, TODAY grew its demo lead over GMA. Additionally, TODAY posted its highest total viewership in six weeks and narrowed the total viewer gap with GMA versus the prior year. 

Season to date, TODAY is the top-rated morning show in the key demo A25-54 for eight years straight and number-one in A18-49 for ten years straight.


Key Points:

  • TODAY ranked #1 in A25-54 for the third consecutive quarter and the 29th time in the last 31 quarters
  1. TODAY posted its best quarterly demo advantage over GMA since 1Q 2022
  2. TODAY more than tripled its lead over GMA vs. prior quarter (+26,000 vs. +8,000 in 1Q 2023) and reversed the loss seen prior year (+26,000 vs. -10,000 in 2Q 2022)
  • TODAY ranked #1 in A18-49 for the third consecutive quarter and the 113th time in the last 115 quarters (dating back to 4Q 1994)
  1. TODAY saw its best A18-49 lead over GMA since 1Q 2022
  2. TODAY improved its A18-49 advantage over GMA by 44% vs. prior quarter (+52,000 vs. +36,000 in 1Q 2023) and more than doubled its lead year-over-year (+52,000 vs. +25,000 in 2Q 2022)
  • TODAY improved its total viewer gap with GMA by 14% vs. prior quarter and by 7% vs. prior year

TODAY averaged 671,000 A25-54 viewers, beating Good Morning America by +26,000 (+4%) and leading CBS by +188,000 (+39%)

TODAY averaged 475,000 A18-49 viewers, beating GMA by +52,000 (+12%) and leading CBS by +166,000 (+54%)

TODAY averaged 2.752 million total viewers, leading CBS by +436,000 (+19%) JUNE 2023

Key Points:

  • TODAY ranked #1 among A25-54 for the 4th consecutive month and in seven of the last eight months
  1. TODAY’s A25-54 lead over GMA hit a seven month high (since November 2022) and was 38% higher than May (+44,000 vs. +32,000 prior month)
  2. TODAY posted its biggest YoY A25-54 improvement vs. GMA since December 2016
  • TODAY has ranked #1 in A18-49 for 10consecutive months and 97 of the last 99 months
  1. Vs. prior year, TODAY posted a competitive turnaround vs. GMA (+58,000 vs. -39,000 in June 2022) and improved its lead over CBS by 475 (+166,000 vs. +113,000 prior year)
  2. TODAY posted its biggest YoY A18-49 improvement vs. GMA since February 2018 (PyeongChang Olympics)

TODAY averaged 623,000 A25-54 viewers, beating GMA by +44,000 (+8%) and leading CBS by +172,000 (+38%)

TODAY averaged 443,000 A18-49 viewers, beating GMA by +58,000 (+15%) and leading CBS by +166,000 (+60%)

TODAY averaged 2.680 million total viewers, leading CBS by +451,000 (+20%)WEEK of 6/19/2023

Note: TODAY and GMA were retitled on Monday for the Juneteenth holiday and are based on 4-day averages (Tue-Fri).


  • TODAY ranked #1 in A25-54 for the 7th consecutive week and the 10th time in the last 12 weeks
  1. TODAY is seeing its longest A25-54 winning streak in over a year (since April 2022) and posted its best competitive demo advantages in four weeks
  2. Compared to prior year, TODAY improved its A25-54 competitive position vs. GMA for the 8th consecutive week
  • TODAY ranked #1 in A18-49 for the 39th time in the last 42 weeks
  1. TODAY improved its A18-49 advantages over the competition and was the only morning show to grow its A18-49 audience vs. the same week last season (+8% increase)
  2. TODAY’s competitive position in A18-49 with GMA improved vs. prior year for the 9th week in a row
  • TODAY saw the biggest total viewer growth vs. both prior week and prior year
  • TODAY had its highest total viewership in 6 weeks and posted its best competitive positions vs. GMA and CBS in 30 weeks (since Thanksgiving Week 2022)
  • Compared to the same week last season, TODAY improved its total viewer gap with GMA (13% closer) for the 7th time in the last 8 weeks
  • Season-to-date through Week 39, TODAY ranks #1 in A25-54 for the 8th consecutive year and #1 in A18-49 for the 10th year in a row

TODAY averaged 620,000 A25-54 viewers, beating GMA by +56,000 (+10%) and leading CBS by +209,000 (+51%)               

  • TODAY has topped GMA for 7 consecutive weeks (longest unbroken streak since April 2022) and 10 of the last 12 weeks while outperforming CBS for 1,610 consecutive weeks
  • Compared to prior week, TODAY was the only program to grow in A25-54 viewership (+7,000, or +1%) while improving its lead vs. GMA by 40% (+56,000 vs. +40,000 prior week) and CBS by 66% (+209,000 vs. +126,000 prior week)
  • Versus the same week last season, TODAY saw its A25-54 viewership gap turn into an advantage vs. GMA (+56,000 vs. -43,000 prior year) and improved its lead over CBS by 76% (+209,000 vs. +119,000 prior year)

TODAY averaged 435,000 A18-49 viewers, beating GMA by +68,000 (+19%) and leading CBS by +182,000 (+72%)               

  • TODAY has beaten GMA for 12 consecutive weeks (since 4/3/2023) and ranked ahead of CBS for 1,610 straight weeks (since 8/10/1992)
  • Week-over-week, TODAY improved its A18-49 viewership advantage vs. GMA by 51% (+68,000 vs. +45,000 prior week) and vs. CBS by 44% (+182,000 vs. +126,000 prior week)
  • Versus the same week last season, TODAY was the only program up in viewership (+32,000, or +8%), turned its A18-49 viewership gap into an advantage vs. GMA (+68,000 vs. -40,000 prior year) and nearly tripled its lead over CBS (+182,000 vs. +61,000 prior year)
  • TODAY improved its A18-49 competitive position vs. GMA for the ninth consecutive week compared to prior year    

TODAY averaged 2.764 million total viewers, leading CBS by +603,000 (+28%)              

  • TODAY has beaten CBS for 1,610 consecutive weeks (since 8/10/1992)      
  • Total viewership for TODAY reached a 6-week high (best since 5/8/23) while seeing both its strongest gap with ABC and largest advantage over CBS in 30 weeks (since 11/21/22)
  • Week-over-week, TODAY posted the biggest increase in total viewership (+115,000, or +4%), reduced its gap vs. GMA by 26% (-251,000 vs. -339,000 prior week), and improved its advantage vs. CBS by 67% (+603,000 vs. +362,000 prior week)
  • Compared to prior year, TODAY again posted the biggest total viewer growth (+143,000, or +5%), closed the gap vs. GMA by 13% (-251,000 vs. -287,000 prior year), and improved its lead over CBS by 86% (+603,000 vs. +324,000 prior year)
  1. TODAY has posted YoY total viewer gap improvements vs. GMA in seven of the last eight weeks

TODAY Digital reached 11.1M unique visitors last week

  • The brand drove 29M video views across on and off net platforms (28% WoW)
  • In April and May, TODAY delivered 47 million unique visitors, on par with the same months last year. It continued to rank as the third largest individual publisher among leading lifestyle and entertainment brands. 

2022-23 SEASON-TO-DATE (9/19/2022-6/25/2023)

TODAY ranks #1 in A25-54 at this point of the season for the 8th consecutive year and in A18-49 for the 10th consecutive year
