#1 in A25-54 for 253 of Past 255 Weeks

Improves Margins Over GMA Across-the-Board

PLUS – TODAY’s Season-to-Date Demo Lead Over GMA is Up 10% YOY

NEW YORK – Nov. 17, 2020 – NBC News’ TODAY is once again the number-one morning show in the all-important key demo, winning the top spot for 64 straight weeks, and 253 out of the past 255 weeks. TODAY continues to beat ABC’s “Good Morning America” (GMA) in the demo most-coveted by news advertisers, while also improving its margins over GMA across-the-board both week-over-week and year-over-year. And, for the first time, TODAY’s season-to-date lead over GMA is up by 10% year-over-year. 



TODAY averaged 1.045 million A25-54 viewers, outperforming GMA by +144,000 (+16%) and CBS This Morning by +446,000 (+74%)

  • TODAY has now ranked #1 in A25-54 for 64 consecutive weeks (includes one tie) and 253 of the last 255 weeks
  • TODAY posted its highest demo advantage over CBS in five months (since the week of 6/8/2020)
  • TODAY’s A25-54 lead over GMA was 35% higher than the same week last season (+144,000 vs. +107,000 prior year)
  • Week-over-week, TODAY improved its demo advantages over both GMA (82% higher) and CBS (5% higher)

TODAY averaged 774,000 A18-49 viewers, topping GMA by +177,000 (+30%) and CBS by +361,000 (+88%)

  • TODAY has ranked #1 in A18-49 for 60 consecutive weeks and 122 of the last 124 weeks
  • TODAY’s A18-49 advantage over GMA hit a seven-month high (since the week of 4/13/2020) while its lead over CBS was the biggest in 10 weeks (since week of 8/31/2020)
  • Compared to the same week last season, TODAY’s A18-49 lead over GMA was up 54% (+177,000 vs. +115,000 prior year)
  • Week-over-week, TODAY improved its A18-49 advantages over both GMA (25% higher) and CBS (up 2%)

TODAY averaged 3.434 million total viewers, leading CBS This Morning by +621,000 (+22%)

  • This was TODAY’s closest total viewer gap vs. GMA in 13 weeks (since week of 8/10/2020)
  • TODAY narrowed the total viewer gap vs. GMA by 30% compared to the same week last season
  • Week-over-week, TODAY closed the gap vs. GMA by 48% while increasing its lead over CBS by 13% 

2020-21 SEASON-TO-DATE (9/21/2020-11/15/2020)

TODAY ranks #1 among both A25-54 and A18-49 viewers season-to-date

TODAY’s A25-54 advantage over GMA (+89,000) is up 10% versus last season

TODAY’s A18-49 lead over GMA (+128,000) is 32% higher than prior year and is its biggest advantage in three seasons

Ratings now reflect the addition of Out of Home (OOH) viewership that Nielsen Media Research began measuring on Aug. 31 across only 44 markets.

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