TODAY Tops GMA in Total Viewers and the Key Demo for the Week of Super Tuesday

TODAY Wins 217 out of 219 Weeks in A25-54

TODAY Posts Biggest Total Viewer Delivery Since November; Biggest Demo Lead Over GMA Since December

TODAY Grows in Total Viewers and Key Demo Week Over Week, More than GMA and CBS Combined

NEW YORK – March 10, 2020 – TODAY was the number-one morning show outright for the week of Super Tuesday. Last week, TODAY topped “Good Morning America” in total viewers, A25-54 and A18-49. TODAY has now won 217 out of 219 weeks in the key demo. TODAY posted its biggest total viewer delivery since November (week of 11/11/19) and biggest demo lead over GMA since December (week of 12/16/19). Additionally versus last week, TODAY posted the largest gains in total viewers and the key demo, more than GMA and CBS combined. Season to date, TODAY ranks first among A25-54 and A18-49 viewers.


TODAY averaged 3.977 million total viewers, topping GMA by +46,000 (+1%) and CBS This Morning by +874,000 (+28%)

  • This represents TODAY biggest total viewership since the week of 11/11/2019, a 16-week high
  • TODAY also posted its widest total viewer advantage over CBS in eight weeks (since the week of 1/6/2020)
  • TODAY saw its total viewership increase by +252,000 (+7%) compared to prior week, more than GMA and CBS combined.  In addition, TODAY’s lead over CBS grew by 23% week-over-week.

TODAY averaged 1.303 million A25-54 viewers, leading GMA by +112,000 (+9%) and CBS This Morning by +556,000 (+74%)

  • TODAY has ranked #1 in A25-54 for 217 of the last 219 weeks
  • TODAY posted its best A25-54 delivery and widest lead over GMA since the week of 12/16/2019 (11 weeks).  TODAY also had its highest advantage over CBS in eight weeks (week of 1/6/2020)
  • Week-over-week, TODAY added +69,000 A25-54 viewers (+6%), more than the competition combined.  TODAY’s demo lead over GMA increased by 65% while its advantage over CBS grew 13% vs. prior week. 

TODAY averaged 957,000 A18-49 viewers, +155,000 (+19%) more than GMA and +408,000 (+74%) higher than CBS

  • TODAY saw its biggest A18-49 audience in 15 weeks (week of 11/18/2019) and widest lead over GMA in 11 weeks (week of 12/16/2019)
  • Compared to prior week, TODAY saw the biggest gain of A18-49 viewers (+40,000, or +4%) and increased its advantages over both GMA (14% higher) and CBS (3% higher)

SEASON-TO-DATE (9/23/2019-3/8/2020)

TODAY ranks #1 among both A25-54 and A18-49 viewers

In A18-49, TODAY’s lead over GMA is 18% higher than the same point last season (+110,000 vs. +93,000 last season)