TODAY Tops GMA for the Week and the July Sweep in the Key Demo 

TODAY Wins 188 Weeks in Demo, Best Streak in Nearly 7 Years

TODAY Tops GMA in Total Viewers Monday and Friday

TODAY Shrinks Total Viewer Gap with GMA Year Over Year and Week Over Week

NEW YORK – August 6, 2019 – NBC News’ TODAY was the number-one morning show last week and for the July sweep topping “Good Morning America” in the key demo A25-54. TODAY has now won the key demo for 188 consecutive weeks, its best streak in nearly seven years.  No other morning news show has been number-one in the demo for as long a streak. TODAY has also won 17 straight sweeps in the demo.  Additionally, TODAY won in total viewers last Monday and Friday.

TODAY narrowed the total viewer gap with GMA by 44% versus the same week last year and by 18% versus last week.  Season-to-date, only 58,000 viewers separate TODAY and GMA, and TODAY is posting its biggest lead over CBS in three years.


WEEK OF 7/29

Program P25-54
TODAY 0.85 1,033 0.56 718 3,455
CBS THIS MORNING 0.53 634 0.33 426 2,564
GOOD MORNING AMERICA 0.5 1.032 0.52 670 3,580

TODAY averaged 1.033 million A25-54 viewers, leading GMA by +1,000 (+0.01%) and CBS This Morning by +399,000 (+63%)

  • TODAY has now ranked #1 among A25-54 viewers for 188 consecutive weeks (best streak in almost seven years) and 204 of the last 205 weeks.  No other morning news show has been #1 in the demo for as long a streak.

TODAY averaged 718,000 A18-49 viewers, +48,000 (+7%) ahead of GMA and +292,000 (+69%) higher than CBS

TODAY averaged 3.455 million total viewers, +891,000 (+35%) more than CBS

  • TODAY ranked #1 in total viewers on Monday and Friday
  • TODAY closed the total viewer gap vs. GMA by 44% compared to the same week last season.
  • TODAY’s total viewer gap vs. GMA 18% closer than prior week.

SEASON-TO-DATE (9/24/2018-8/4/2019)

TODAY ranks #1 among A25-54 and A18-49

TODAY is seeing its largest total viewer lead over CBS season-to-date in three years

  • TODAY’s total viewer advantage over CBS is up 19% vs. the same period last season (+881,000 vs. +739,000 last season)
  • Only 58,000 viewers separate TODAY and GMA, which is 16% narrower than the same point last season


TODAY ranked #1 among A25-54 viewers for the 17th consecutive sweep

  • TODAY averaged 1.017 million A25-54 viewers, leading GMA by +46,000 (+5%) and CBS This Morning by +348,000 (+52%)

TODAY won A18-49 for the 19th consecutive sweep

  • In the July Sweep, TODAY has ranked #1 among A18-49 in 27 of the last 28 years
  • TODAY averaged 722,000 A18-49 viewers, +75,000 (+12%) higher than GMA and +267,000 (+59%) more than CBS
  • Compared to the July 2018 sweep, TODAY’s A18-49 lead over GMA increased by 42%.

TODAY averaged 3.446 million total viewers, trailing GMA by -83,000 (-2%) and leading CBS by +760,000 (+28%)

  • This represents TODAY’s best total viewer margin vs. GMA during a July sweep in eight years
  • Compared to the July 2018 sweep, TODAY cut the total viewer gap with GMA by 59% while increasing its lead over CBS by 7%.