TODAY Tops GMA for 14 Consecutive Quarters in Key Demo, Best Advantage in 4 Quarters

TODAY Wins 170 Straight Weeks in Key Demo, Best Streak in 6 Years

TODAY Quadruples Demo Lead Over GMA Vs. Last Year

NEW YORK – April 2, 2019 – NBC News’ TODAY was the number-one morning show for the first quarter 2019, topping ABC’s “Good Morning America” in the key A25-54 demo.  TODAY has now won the key demo for 14 consecutive quarters, its best advantage over GMA in four quarters. In total viewers, TODAY and GMA were separated by just 1% for the quarter. 

For the week of March 25, TODAY won the A25-54 demo marking 170 straight weeks in the top spot and delivering its best streak in six years. TODAY also won in total viewers last Wednesday and Thursday. Versus last year, TODAY quadrupled its demo lead over GMA, narrowed the total viewer gap by 88%, and is the only program to grow in total viewers.  Additionally, TODAY won the month of March in the demo. 


Program P25-54
TODAY 1.18 1,418 0.78 1,007 4,088
CBS THIS MORNING 0.71 862 0.48 620 3,228
GOOD MORNING AMERICA 1.03 1,148 0.69 895 4,149
  • TODAY posted its 14th consecutive quarterly win among A25-54
    • TODAY averaged 1.418 million total viewers, leading GMA by +170,000 (+14%) and CBS This Morning by +556,000 (+65%) – best advantage over GMA in 4 quarters
    • Vs. prior quarter, TODAY increased its lead over GMA by 14%
  • TODAY won its 25th consecutive quarter among A18-49 and 97th win of last 98 quarters, dating back to 4Q 1994
    • TODAY averaged 1.007 million A18-49 viewers, +112,000 (+12%) more than GMA and + 387,000 (+63%) higher than CBS
    • Vs. prior quarter, TODAY increased its lead over GMA by 49%
  • TODAY averaged 4.088 million total viewers outperforming CBS by +860,000 (+27%)
    • Vs. prior year, TODAY advantage over CBS increased +10%


  • 43rd consecutive A25-54 monthly win – 1.358 million A25-54 viewers beats GMA by +150,000 (+12%) and CBS by +527,000 (+63%)
  • 48th consecutive A18-49 monthly win – 974,000 A18-49 viewers beats GMA by +111,000 (+13%) and CBS by +376,00 (+63%)
  • TODAY beats CBS in total viewers for month of March  by +823,000 (+26%)
    • Total viewer gap vs. GMA of -92,000 is nearly cut in half from the -174,000 loss of prior year

WEEK OF 3/25/19

Program P25-54
TODAY 1.07 1,293 0.72 925 3,823
CBS THIS MORNING 0.66 792 0.44 567 3,071
GOOD MORNING AMERICA 0.94 1,132 0.63 805 3,859

TODAY averaged 1.293 million A25-54 viewers, leading GMA by +161,000 (+14%) and CBS This Morning by +501,000 (+63%)

  • TODAY has now ranked #1 among A25-54 viewers for 170 consecutive weeks (best streak in over six years) and 186 of the last 187 weeks
  • Vs. prior year, TODAY lead over GMA quadrupled and over CBS improved +27%
  • Vs. prior week, TODAY lead over GMA improved +13%

TODAY averaged 925,000 A18-49 viewers, +120,000 (+15%) ahead of GMA and +358,000 (+63%) higher than CBS

  • Vs. prior year, TODAY lead over GMA improved +140% and over CBS improved +22%
  • Vs. prior week, TODAY lead over GMA improved +11%

TODAY averaged 3.823 million total viewers topping CBS This Morning by +752,000 (+24%)

  • TODAY ranked #1 on Wednesday and Thursday
  • Vs. prior year, TODAY gap vs. GMA narrowed by -88% and its lead over CBS widened by +58%
  • Vs. prior week, TODAY gap vs. GMA narrowed by -56% and its lead over CBS widened by +3
  • TODAY was the only program to see year-over-year growth in viewership (+1% vs. ABC -6% and CBS -7%)

SEASON-TO-DATE (9/24/2018-3/31/2019)

TODAY ranks #1 among A25-54 and A18-49

TODAY is posting its biggest season-to-date total viewer lead over CBS in three years

o   TODAY’s total viewer advantage over CBS is up 20% vs. the same period last season (+912,000 vs. +759,000 last season)