TODAY Tops GMA in Key Demo for 42 Straight Months

TODAY Wins Total Viewers Tuesday and Wednesday

TODAY Grows Across the Board Month Over Month and Week Over Week

NEW YORK – February 26, 2019 – NBC News’ TODAY was the number-one morning show for the week and month of February, topping ABC’s “Good Morning America” in the key A25-54 demo and posting its best monthly demo lead in one year.  In February, TODAY’s demo lead over GMA increased by a giant 22%.  TODAY has now won the key demo for 42 straight months (165 consecutive weeks), its best streak in more than six years. Additionally, TODAY won total viewers Tuesday and Wednesday of last week.

Month over month and week over week TODAY grew across the board. For the week, TODAY was the only morning news program to grow in total viewers, A25-54 and A18-49.

*Please note Monday was a special for the President’s Day holiday.



TODAY ranked #1 in A25-54 for the 42nd consecutive month and 43rd of the last 44 months

  • TODAY averaged 1.479 million A25-54 viewers, leading GMA by +200,000 (+16%) and CBS This Morning by +555, 000 (+60%)
  • TODAY’s demo lead over GMA increased by 22% compared to prior month and hit its highest level in a year (since February 2018 which included the Pyeongchang Olympics)
  • Month-over-month, TODAY’s A25-54 audience was up 3%

TODAY has won 47 consecutive months among A18-49 viewers

  • TODAY averaged 1.046 million viewers, +138,000 (+15%) higher than GMA and +379,000 (+57%) more than CBS
  • TODAY posted its biggest monthly A18-49 win over GMA since February 2018, improving by 66% compared to prior month
  • TODAY’s A18-49 average was up 4% compared to January

TODAY averaged 4.232 million total viewers, leading CBS by +839,000 (+25%)

  • Month-over-month, TODAY narrowed the total viewer gap vs. GMA by 67% (-23,000 vs. -69,000 in January)

WEEK OF 2/18/2019-2/24/2019

Program P25-54
TODAY 1.20 1,443 0.79 1,022 4,185
CBS THIS MORNING 0.76 921 0.50 651 3,430
GOOD MORNING AMERICA 1.02 1,230 0.68 876 4,212

TODAY averaged 1.443 million A25-54 viewers, leading GMA by +213,000 (+17%) and CBS This Morning by +522,000 (+57%)

  • TODAY’s demo lead over GMA hit a six-week high, best since the week of 1/7/2019
  • TODAY topped GMA by more than 200,000 demo viewers for the second time in the last three weeks
  • Week-over-week, TODAY’s A25-54 viewership increased its lead over GMA by 7%

TODAY averaged 1.022 million A18-49 viewers, +146,000 (+17%) ahead of GMA and +371,000 (+57%) higher than CBS

  • TODAY led GMA by at least 100,000 A18-49 viewers for the fourth straight week
  • TODAY’s A18-49 advantage over GMA increased by 14% week-over-week

TODAY averaged 4.185 million total viewers topping CBS This Morning by +755,000 (+22%)

  • TODAY ranked #1 on three mornings among total viewers: two head-to-head vs. GMA (Tuesday and Wednesday) and one when GMA was retitled (Thursday)
  • TODAY hit a three-week high in total viewer delivery, increasing by +22,000 versus prior week

SEASON-TO-DATE (9/24/2018-2/24/2019)

TODAY ranks #1 among A25-54 and A18-49

TODAY is posting its biggest season-to-date total viewer lead over CBS in three years

o   TODAY’s total viewer advantage over CBS is up 23% vs. the same period last season (+935,000 vs. +761,000 last season)