TODAY Tops GMA in Total Viewers for the 8th Time in 12 Weeks

TODAY Wins 159 Straight Weeks in the Key Demo, Best Streak in 6 Years

TODAY Posts Largest Demo Wins Over GMA in 4 Months

NEW YORK – January 15, 2018 – TODAY was the number-one morning show outright last week topping “Good Morning America” in total viewers, A25-54 and A18-49. The win marks TODAY’s eighth total viewer victory in 12 weeks, which is half of the 16-week season thus far.  TODAY has also won the key demo A25-54 for 159 consecutive weeks, delivering its best streak in over six years. TODAY has posted its biggest A25-54 and A18-49 wins over GMA in more than four months and best wins over CBS since the Pyeongchang Olympics.   Week over week, TODAY added more total viewers and key demo viewers than both CBS and GMA combined – a whopping 390,000 total viewers and 173,000 in the key demo.


Program P25-54
TODAY 1.22 1,470 0.81 1,041 4,154
CBS THIS MORNING 0.67 805 0.45 580 3,066
GOOD MORNING AMERICA 1.02 1,228 0.69 884 4,088


TODAY averaged 1.470 million A25-54 viewers, leading GMA by +242,000 (+20%) and CBS This Morning by +665,000 (+83%)

  • TODAY has now ranked #1 among A25-54 viewers for 159 consecutive weeks (best streak in over six years) and 175 of the last 176 weeks
  • This was TODAY’s largest demo audience in eight weeks (since the week of 11/12/2018), its highest advantage over GMA since the week of 8/20/2018, and its widest lead over CBS since the Pyeongchang Olympics (week of 2/19/2018)
  • Week-over-week, TODAY added more demo viewers (+173,000, or +13%) than GMA and CBS combined (+97,000).  TODAY also more than doubled its A25-54 advantage over GMA (+107%) and increased its lead over CBS by 23% compared to prior week.
  • TODAY saw higher advantages versus the same week last season versus both GMA and CBS

TODAY averaged 1.041 million A18-49 viewers, +157,000 (+18%) ahead of GMA and +461,000 (+80%) higher than CBS

  • TODAY saw its highest A18-49 viewership in five weeks (since the week of 12/3/2018), widest lead over GMA in 20 weeks (since week of 8/20/2018), and best advantage over CBS in 46 weeks (since the Pyeongchang Olympics, week of 2/19/2018)
  • Versus prior week, TODAY posted a bigger increase in A18-49 viewers (+123,000, or +13%) than GMA (+30,000) and CBS (+62,000) combined.  TODAY’s A18-49 lead over GMA improved by 142% week-over-week, while its lead vs. CBS was up 15%.
  • TODAY’s A18-49 lead versus CBS rose 4% compared to the same week last season

TODAY averaged 4.154 million total viewers, leading GMA by +66,000 (+2%) and CBS This Morning by +1.088 million (+35%)

  • TODAY finished #1 among total viewers for the 8th time in the last 12 weeks
  • TODAY’s 8th total viewer victory also indicates the morning show has won half of the 16 weeks in the current broadcast season thus far
  • TODAY’s viewership hit a four-week high, while the advantage over GMA was its best since the week of 11/5/2018 (nine-week high) and the lead over CBS was the biggest since the Pyeongchang Olympics (week of 2/12/2018)
  • TODAY’s total audience increased by +390,000 week-over-week, topping the combined increases of GMA and CBS (+206,000).  TODAY also improved its advantage over CBS by 49% versus prior week
  • TODAY’s total viewer lead versus CBS rose 57% compared to the same week last season

SEASON-TO-DATE (9/24/2018-1/13/2018)

TODAY ranks #1 among A25-54 and A18-49

TODAY is posting its biggest season-to-date total viewer lead over CBS in three years

  • TODAY’s total viewer advantage over CBS is up 31% vs. the same period last season (+965,000 vs. +737,000 last season)