TODAY Tops GMA for 13 Consecutive Quarters in Key Demo

TODAY Wins 157 Straight Weeks in Key Demo, Best Streak in 6 Years

TODAY Narrows Total Viewer Gap and Grows Key Demo Lead with GMA Versus Last Quarter

NEW YORK – January 2, 2019 – NBC News’ TODAY was the number-one morning show for the fourth quarter 2018, topping ABC’s “Good Morning America” in the key A25-54 demo.  TODAY has now won 13 consecutive quarters in A25-54.  In total viewers, just 37k (1%) separated TODAY and GMA for the quarter.  Versus the third quarter, TODAY posted the biggest increase in total viewers and demo viewers versus the competition and narrowed the total viewer gap with GMA by 73%.  TODAY also grew its demo lead over GMA versus last quarter.

Additionally, for the week of December 24, TODAY won the week in the key demo, marking 157 straight weeks at number one, its best streak in more than six years.

*TODAY was retitled Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday for the Christmas holiday.



  • 13th consecutive quarterly win among A25-54
    • TODAY averaged 1.396 million total viewers, leading GMA by +150,000 (+12%) and CBS This Morning by +581,000 (+71%)
    • Quarter-over-quarter, TODAY posted the biggest increase of demo viewers (+125,000, or +10%) and increased its leads over both GMA (by 3%) and CBS (by 7%)
  • 24th consecutive quarterly win among A18-49 and 96th win of last 97 quarters, dating back to 4Q 1994
    • TODAY averaged 987,000 A18-49 viewers, +75,000 (+8%) more than GMA and + 397,000 (+67%) higher than CBS
    • TODAY widened its A18-49 lead over CBS by 14% compared to prior quarter
  • TODAY averaged 4.095 million total viewers outperforming CBS by 972,000 (+31%)
    • This was TODAY’s biggest quarterly win vs. CBS since 3Q 2016
    • Quarter-over-quarter, TODAY posted the biggest increase in viewership (+371,000, or +10%), leading to a reduction in its gap vs. GMA (73% narrower) and an increase in its lead over CBS (20% higher)
    • Compared to 4Q 2017, TODAY widened its total viewer advantage over CBS by 34%

WEEK OF DECEMBER 24-30, 2018

Program P25-54
TODAY 0.94 1,139 0.61 780 3,579
CBS THIS MORNING 0.60 722 0.36 467 2,892
GOOD MORNING AMERICA 0.94 1,130 0.62 793 3,773

TODAY averaged 1.139 million A25-54 viewers, leading GMA by +9,000 (+1%) and CBS This Morning by +417,000 (+58%)

  • TODAY has now ranked #1 among A25-54 viewers for 157 consecutive weeks (best streak in over six years) and 173 of the last 174 weeks

TODAY averaged 780,000 A18-49 viewers +313,000 (+67%) higher than CBS

TODAY averaged 3.579 million total viewers beating CBS This Morning by +687,000 (+24%)

SEASON-TO-DATE (9/24/2018-12/23/2018)

TODAY ranks #1 among A25-54 and A18-49

TODAY is posting its biggest season-to-date total viewer lead over CBS in three years

  • TODAY’s total viewer advantage over CBS is up 33% vs. the same period last season (+976,000 vs. +719,000 last season)