TODAY Wins Election Week Outright and Posts Its First “Three-Peat” Total Viewer Win Since the Olympics

TODAY Wins 150 Weeks Straight in Key Demo

TODAY Posts Closest Total Viewer Margin Vs. GMA in 7 Years 

NEW YORK – November 13, 2018 –Last week, the week of the mid-term elections, TODAY was the number-one morning show across the board proving once again that more viewers turn to TODAY for breaking news.  TODAY topped “Good Morning America” in total viewers for the third consecutive week, marking its first “three-peat” total viewer win since the Pyeongchang Olympics.  TODAY also won the key demo A25-54 for the week, marking 150 straight weeks in the top spot, its best streak in over six years. Additionally, TODAY widened its demo lead over GMA by 81% versus a year ago.

Season to date, TODAY is posting its closest total viewer margin versus GMA in seven years and its demo lead is up 35%.


Program P25-54
TODAY 1.16 1,402 0.79 1,012 4,251
CBS THIS MORNING 0.69 837 0.46 592 3,202
GOOD MORNING AMERICA 1.01 1,223 0.71 912 4,219

 TODAY averaged 1.402 million A25-54 viewers, leading GMA by +179,000 (+15%) and CBS This Morning by +565,000 (+67%)

  • TODAY has now ranked #1 among A25-54 viewers for 150 consecutive weeks (best streak in over six years) and 165 of the last 166 weeks
  • TODAY delivered a 1.16 A25-54 rating, +0.15 points ahead of GMA and +0.47 points more than CBS
  • TODAY posted four-week highs in A25-54 viewership and demo advantage over GMA
  • Week over-week, TODAY increased by +39,000 A25-54 viewers and widened its advantage over GMA by 85%
  • Compared to the same week last season, TODAY’s demo leads rose by 81% over GMA and by 16% versus CBS

TODAY averaged 1.012 million A18-49 viewers, +100,000 (+11%) ahead of GMA and +420,000 (+71%) higher than CBS

  • TODAY delivered a 0.79 A18-49 rating, +0.08 points more than GMA and +0.33 points better than CBS
  • Versus prior week, TODAY saw the biggest increase of A18-49 viewers (+36,000) and widened its leads by 56% over GMA and 6% over CBS

TODAY averaged 4.251 million total viewers, leading GMA by +32,000 (+1%) and CBS This Morning by +1.049 million (+33%)

  • TODAY ranked #1 among total viewers for the third consecutive week, its first “three-peat” since the Pyeongchang Olympics (weeks of 2/5, 2/12, 2/19/2018)
  • TODAY also led CBS This Morning by over one million viewers for the third straight week (also best showing since Pyeongchang)
  • Week-over-week, TODAY added the most total viewers (+248,000, or +6%)
  • Versus the same week last season, TODAY almost doubled its total viewer advantage over CBS (up 96%)

SEASON-TO-DATE (9/24/2018-11/11/2018)

TODAY ranks #1 among A25-54 and A18-49

  • In A25-54, TODAY’s lead vs. GMA is up 35% while its lead over CBS is up 8%

TODAY is posting its biggest season-to-date total viewer lead over CBS in three years

  • TODAY’s total viewer advantage over CBS is up 59% vs. the same period last season (+971,000 vs. +611,000 last season)
  • TODAY’s total viewer gap vs. GMA is 45% closer than the same period last season (-74,000 in the first seven weeks of current season vs. -134,000 deficit last year)
    • This is TODAY’s closest total viewer margin vs. GMA in seven years.