TODAY Tops GMA in Total Viewers for the Week

TODAY Wins the Week and Month in the Key Demo, Marks 148 Straight Weeks in Top Spot

NEW YORK – October 30, 2018 – TODAY was the number-one morning show outright last week topping “Good Morning America” in total viewers, A25-54 and A18-49.  TODAY has now won the key demo for 148 straight weeks, delivering its best streak in over six years. TODAY also won the month of October in the key demo, its 38th straight monthly win.   TODAY posted its narrowest October gap in total viewers versus GMA in seven years.


WEEK OF OCTOBER 22-28, 2018

Program P25-54
TODAY 1.13 1,366 0.76 979 4,075
CBS THIS MORNING 0.64 774 0.44 572 3,020
GOOD MORNING AMERICA 1.02 1,234 0.71 915 4,050

TODAY averaged 4.075 million total viewers, leading GMA by +25,000 (+1%) and CBS This Morning by +1.055 million (+35%)

  • TODAY posted its first total viewer win over GMA and largest advantage over CBS since the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics
  • This was TODAY’s biggest total viewership in six weeks.  TODAY also added more viewers (+145,000) than GMA and CBS combined, week-over-week
  • Won four mornings among total viewers
  • Compared to the same week last season, TODAY increased its total viewer advantage over CBS by 55%

TODAY averaged 1.366 million A25-54 viewers, leading GMA by +132,000 (+11%) and CBS This Morning by +592,000 (+77%)

  • TODAY has now ranked #1 among A25-54 viewers for 148 consecutive weeks (best streak in over six years) and 164 of the last 165 weeks
  • TODAY delivered a 1.13 A25-54 rating, +0.11 points ahead of GMA and +0.49 points more than CBS
  • Week-over-week, TODAY added +13,000 A25-54 viewers and increased its lead over GMA by 14%
  • Compared to the same week last season, TODAY increased its advantages over both GMA (48% higher) and CBS (up 3%)

TODAY averaged 979,000 A18-49 viewers, +64,000 (+7%) ahead of GMA and +407,000 (+71%) higher than CBS

  • TODAY delivered a 0.76 A18-49 rating, +0.05 points more than GMA and +0.32 points better than CBS
  • Week-over-week, TODAY posted the biggest gain of A18-49 viewers among the morning news shows (+36,000, or +4%) while more than doubling its lead over GMA


TODAY ranked #1 among A25-54 viewers for the 38th consecutive month and the 39th of the last 40 months

  • TODAY averaged 1.375 million A25-54 viewers, leading GMA by +155,000 (+13%) and CBS by +607,000 (+79%)
  • Versus October 2017, TODAY’s lead over GMA increased by 67% while its lead over CBS finished 12% higher

TODAY has been #1 among A18-49 viewers for 43 consecutive months

  • TODAY averaged 977,000 A18-49 viewers, +64,000 (+7%) higher than GMA and +412,000 (+73%) more than CBS
  • TODAY had its biggest monthly A18-49 win over CBS since February 2018 (includes Pyeongchang Olympics; excluding Olympics, it was the best since January 2018)
  • Versus prior month, TODAY’s lead over CBS increased by 4%

TODAY averaged 3.969 million total viewers, topping CBS by 962,000 (+32%) and trailing GMA by -109,000 (-3%)

  • This was TODAY’s best monthly win over CBS since December 2017 and highest October lead in three years
  • TODAY also posted its narrowest October gap vs. GMA in seven years
  • TODAY closed the total viewer gap vs. GMA by 11% month-over-month and by 30% compared to October 2017
  • Compared to  CBS, TODAY increased its total viewer advantage by 7% vs. prior month and by 61% vs. prior year

SEASON-TO-DATE (9/24/2018-10/21/2018)

TODAY ranks #1 among A25-54 and A18-49

  • In A25-54, TODAY’s lead vs. GMA is up 67% while its lead over CBS is up 14%

TODAY is posting its biggest season-to-date total viewer lead over CBS in three years

  • TODAY’s total viewer advantage over CBS is up 64% vs. the same period last season (+949,000 vs. +577,000 last season)
  • TODAY’s P2+ gap vs. GMA is 26% closer than the same period last season (-105,000 in the first three weeks of current season vs. -141,000 deficit last year)

For more information contact:

Megan Stackhouse
NBC News
e: megan.stackhouse@nbcuni.com
p: 212-664-6205