TODAY Tops GMA In Total Viewers For 3 Straight Days 

TODAY Narrows Total Viewer Gap with GMA To Just 2k

TODAY Delivers Biggest A25-54 Advantage Over GMA in 13 Weeks

NEW YORK – August 21, 2018 – NBC News’ TODAY was the number-one morning show across the board for three consecutive days last week, topping ABC’s “Good Morning America” in total viewers and all key demos on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. TODAY posted its tightest total viewer margin with GMA since its Olympic wins with just 2,000 viewers separating the shows.  TODAY has now won the key demo A25-54 for 138 straight weeks, delivering its best streak in six years and its biggest advantage over GMA in 13 weeks.  Additionally, TODAY nearly tripled its A25-54 lead over GMA versus the same week last year while both ABC and CBS are down double digits. 

Season to date, TODAY remains the number-one morning show among A25-54 and A18-49.  Year-over-year, the show has improved its total viewer gap versus GMA by 63%.


Net HH
TODAY 2.75 12 3,778 0.67 866 1.06 1,276
CBS THIS MORNING 2.08 9 2,811 0.41 530 0.58 700
GOOD MORNING AMERICA 2.80 13 3,780 0.60 775 0.92 1,110


TODAY averaged 1.276 million A25-54 viewers, leading GMA by +166,000 (+15%) and CBS This Morning by +576,000 (+82%)

  • TODAY has now ranked #1 among A25-54 viewers for 138 consecutive weeks (best streak in six years) and 154 of the last 155 weeks
  • TODAY delivered a 1.06 A25-54 rating, +0.14 points ahead of GMA and +0.48 points more than CBS
  • TODAY saw the biggest increase of demo viewers week-over-week (up +99,000, or +8%) and posted its best A25-54 average since the week of 5/28/2018
  • TODAY had its largest A25-54 advantage over GMA in 13 weeks (since week of 5/14/2018) and widest lead over CBS in just over five months (since week of 3/5/2018)
  • Week-over-week, TODAY improved its A25-54 leads over both GMA (87% higher) and CBS (23% higher)
  • Compared to the same week last season, TODAY nearly tripled its A25-54 lead over GMA while its advantage over CBS was up 23%

TODAY averaged 866,000 A18-49 viewers, +91,000 (+12%) ahead of GMA and +336,000 (+63%) higher than CBS

  • TODAY delivered a 0.67 A18-49 rating, +0.07 points more than GMA and +0.26 points better than CBS
  • TODAY posted its best A18-49 delivery since the week of 6/18/2018 and largest advantage over GMA in nine weeks (since week of 6/11/2018)

TODAY averaged 3.778 million total viewers, leading CBS This Morning by +967,000 (+34%) and narrowing the gap with GMA to just 2,000 viewers

  • TODAY’s total viewership hit an 11-week high, posting the biggest increase among the morning shows versus prior week (up +192,000, or +5%)
  • TODAY’s margins versus GMA and CBS were its best since the final week of the Pyeongchang Olympics (week of 2/19/2018)
  • TODAY closed the total viewer gap with GMA by 99% compared to both prior week and prior year
  • Versus CBS, TODAY increased its total viewer advantage by 34% week-over-week and by 75% compared to last year



TODAY ranks #1 among A25-54 viewers

  • Leads GMA by +144,000 (+11%) and CBS by +552,000 (+63%)

TODAY ranks #1 among A18-49 viewers

  • Leads GMA by +137,000 (+15%) and CBS by +408,000 (+63%)

TODAY leads CBS by +740,000 in total viewers, 14% higher than last season