Vice Chair of Senate Intel Says Committee Has “Actually Interviewed Literally a Couple Hundred Individuals”

EXCLUSIVE: Mueller Has Enough Evidence to Bring Charges in Flynn Investigation, Sources Tell NBC News

Sen. Lankford on Flynn Jr.’s Role: “We’re Going to Try to Ask and Find Out”

PLUS: “Meet the Press” Turns 70 in Special Anniversary Edition

NOVEMBER 5, 2017 – Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.), vice chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, told “Meet the Press” moderator Chuck Todd that George Papadopoulos, former Trump campaign adviser who pled guilty in Mueller’s Russia probe, “had been on our screen for a long time.”

Though he wouldn’t address if the committee has interviewed Papadopoulos, Warner told Todd that they have “actually interviewed literally a couple hundred individuals — many times without actually even the knowledge of the press. We’ve worked with a lot of these individuals cooperatively. We’ve got more to do.”

On the Steele dossier, Warner shared: “I wish Mr. Steele would sit down and talk to our committee. We’ve reached out. He’s refused to do so, so far.” Watch the full interview.

NBC News exclusively reported this morning that federal investigators have gathered enough evidence to bring charges in their investigation of Michael Flynn, Trump’s former national security adviser, and his son Michael Flynn Jr. as part of the probe into Russia’s intervention in the 2016 election, according to multiple sources familiar with the investigation. Read more.

Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.), who also serves on the Senate Intelligence Committee, told Todd that “we’re going to try to ask and find out” the role of Mike Flynn, Jr. in the Russia investigation. When asked about the cooperativeness of the Flynns, Lankford replied, “I’m going to leave that up to the chairman and vice chairman to be able to determine how cooperative they’ve been in coming in and out.”

The Oklahoma senator also said the House Republicans pushing for Mueller’s resignation are “not a threat at this point. Bob Mueller needs to be able to finish his investigation.” Watch the full interview.

In an exclusive sit-down, Tom Perez, chair of the National Democratic Committee, responded to former interim DNC Chair Donna Brazile’s new claim that that health concerns drove considerations to replace Hillary Clinton as the party’s nominee late in the campaign: “The charge that Hillary Clinton was somewhere incapacitated is quite frankly ludicrous.”

On if Brazile fell for Russian propaganda: “I don’t know what Donna Brazile fell for. But all I know is under the rules and bylaws of the Democratic National Committee, she couldn’t have done this. Hillary Clinton was anything but incapacitated,” said Perez. Watch the exclusive interview.

“Meet the Press,” the longest-running show in television history turns 70 years old tomorrow, and in this morning’s special anniversary edition, Todd recounts the broadcast’s interviews with 12 president, 82 heads of states and hundreds of distinguished journalists. Watch “Meet the Press” by the numbers.

The Washington Post’s Eugene Robinson, The Wall Street Journal’s Peggy Noonan and NBC News’ Tom Brokaw and Kasie Hunt joined the show’s roundtable and with a nod to the anniversary, a look back on their first appearances.

Read the full transcript of this morning’s “Meet the Press” on

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