TODAY Tops GMA in Total Viewers and All Demos Wednesday & Thursday

TODAY Hits Multi-Month Ratings Highs and Grows Advantages Over GMA

TODAY Is #1 in the Key Demo for 87 Straight Weeks, Best Streak in More Than 4 Years

TODAY Posts Its Closest Monthly Total Viewer Margin with GMA in 8 Months

NEW YORK – August 29, 2017 – NBC News’ TODAY was the number-one morning show outright topping ABC’s “Good Morning America” for two days straight in total viewers and all demos last Wednesday and Thursday.  TODAY posted its best weekly total viewer delivery in nearly three months, and its best single-day advantage over GMA in five months, since March 20. TODAY also won the week in the key demo A25-54 marking 87 straight weeks in the top spot (103 of the last 104 weeks), its best streak in more than four years. The win marks TODAY’s best key demo average in three months and its biggest lead over GMA in two months.  Additionally, TODAY won the month of August in the key demo, its 24th straight monthly win, and posted its closest total viewer margin with GMA since December.



Net HH
TODAY 2.85 12 3,957 0.85 1,095 1.23 1,479
CBS THIS MORNING 2.38 10 3,249 0.49 623 0.73 877
GOOD MORNING AMERICA 2.96 13 4,039 0.70 895 1.08 1,302

TODAY ranked #1 outright on two mornings (Wed & Thu)

TODAY posted the biggest week-to-week growth in P2+/A25-54/A18-49;  multi-week highs in both delivery and advantage/gap across demos

TODAY averaged 1.479 million A25-54 viewers, leading GMA by +177,000 (+14%) and CBS This Morning by +602,000 (+69%)

  • TODAY has ranked #1 among A25-54 viewers for 87 consecutive weeks (best streak in over four years) and 103 of the last 104 weeks
  • This represents TODAY’s highest A25-54 average since the week of 5/29/2017 (12 weeks)
  • TODAY’s demo lead over GMA hit an eight week high (since 6/26/2017) while its advantage over CBS was the best in 30 weeks (since 1/23/2017)
  • Week-over-week, TODAY saw the highest increase in A25-54 viewers (+119,000) and more than tripled its lead vs. GMA (+177,000 vs. +56,000 prior week) while increasing its lead over CBS by 18% (+602,000 vs. +511,000 prior week)
  • TODAY delivered a 1.25 A25-54 rating, +0.15 points ahead of GMA and +0.50 points more than CBS

TODAY averaged 1.095 million A18-49 viewers, +200,000 (+22%) more than GMA and +472,000 (+76%) higher than CBS

  • TODAY posted its biggest A18-49 delivery and widest win over GMA since the week of 5/29/2017
  • Week-over-week, TODAY more than doubled its A18-49 lead over GMA (+200,000 vs. +89,000 prior week) and increased its lead over CBS by 20% (+472,000 vs. +394,000 prior week)
  • TODAY also saw the biggest A18-49 gain vs. prior week (+99,000)
  • TODAY’s 0.85 A18-49 rating led GMA by +0.15 points and CBS by +0.36 points

TODAY averaged 3.957 million total viewers, leading CBS This Morning by +708,000 (+22%)

  • TODAY posted its sixth consecutive week of total viewer growth, hitting its biggest delivery since the week of 6/5/2017 (an 11-week high)
  • In two of the last three weeks, TODAY has finished within 100,000 total viewers of GMA
  • Week-to-week, TODAY added +131,000 viewers, cut GMA’s lead by almost half (-82,000 vs. -160,000 prior week) and increased its advantage over CBS by 28% (+708,000 vs. +554,000 prior week)
  • On Thursday, TODAY posted its biggest single-day audience since June 21 and its largest advantage over GMA since March 20          


TODAY ranks #1 among A25-54 viewers and A18-49 viewers

  • Season-to-date, TODAY leads GMA by +13% (+186,000) among A25-54 viewers and +18% (+178,000) among A18-49 viewers


TODAY has ranked #1 among A25-54 viewers for 24 consecutive months and 25 of the last 26 months

  • TODAY averaged 1.386 million A25-54 viewers, +116,000 (+9%) ahead of GMA and +547,000 (+65%) more than CBS This Morning
  • Excluding Olympics, this was TODAY’s biggest August demo win over GMA since 2011
  • Versus July, TODAY increased its demo advantages month-over-month by 5% vs. GMA and 15% vs. CBS

TODAY ranked #1 among A18-49 viewers for the 29th straight month, 33rd of the last 35 months

  • TODAY averaged 1.024 million A25-54 viewers, leading GMA by +139,000 (+16%) and CBS by +429,000 (+72%)
  • Excluding Olympics, this was TODAY’s best August A18-49 win over GMA since 2011
  • Versus July, TODAY increased its demo advantages month-over-month by 18% vs. GMA and 19% vs. CBS

Among total viewers, TODAY led CBS by +592,000 (+18%)

  • TODAY posted its narrowest monthly total viewer margin vs. GMA (-146,000) since December
  • Versus July, TODAY increased its demo advantage over CBS by 38% and reduced GMA’s lead by 19%


For more information contact:

Megan Stackhouse
NBC News
e: megan.stackhouse@nbcuni.com
p: 212-664-6205