Nightly News Has Won Every Quarter in the A25-54 and A18-49 Demos Since Lester Holt Took Over as Anchor

The NBC News Broadcast Wins 24th Consecutive Month in the News Demo

Nightly News Tops 53rd Consecutive Week in the Demo

NEW YORK (June 27, 2017) – “NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt” ranked #1 in the demo for the second quarter of 2017, averaging 1.73 million A25-54 viewers, leading ABC by +154,000 (+10%) and CBS by +422,000 (+32%). Nightly News has won eight consecutive quarters in the demo, leading in the A25-54 category for every quarter since Lester Holt took over as anchor. Compared to the second quarter of 2016, Nightly News improved its demo lead over CBS by +10%.

Nightly News averaged 1.24 million A18-49 viewers for Q2 2017, topping ABC by +154,000 (+14%) and CBS by +341,000 (+38%). The NBC News broadcast has won eight consecutive quarters in the A18-49 demo. Nightly News posted its biggest 2Q A18-49 win over ABC since 2013 and best over CBS since 2014. Compared to the second quarter of 2016, Nightly News increased its A18-49 lead over ABC by +32% (+154,000 vs. +117,000 last year) and over CBS by +5% (+341,000 vs. +324,000 last year).

For June 2017, Nightly News averaged 1.7 million A25-54 viewers, +134,000 (+9%) more than ABC and +436,000 (+35%) more than CBS. The NBC News broadcast ranks #1 in A25-54 for 24 consecutive months.

For the week of June 19, Nightly News continued its dominance in the demo, averaging 1.7 million A25-54 viewers for the week, leading ABC by +125,000 (+8%) and CBS by +372,000 (+29%). Among A18-49, Nightly News averaged 1.2 million viewers for the week, topping ABC by +134,000 (+13%) and CBS by +378,000 (+46%). The NBC News broadcast has ranked #1 in A25-54 and A18-49 for 53 consecutive weeks.

Q2 Highlights:

  • Nightly News averaged 1.73 million A25-54 viewers, outperforming ABC by +154,000 (+10%) and CBS by +422,000 (+32%).
  • Nightly News has been #1 in A25-54 for eight consecutive quarters, nine of the last 10 quarters, and 34 of the last 37 quarters.
  • Nightly News averaged 1.24 million A18-49 viewers, +154,000 (+14%) higher than ABC and +341,000 (+38%) better than CBS.
  • Nightly News posted its biggest 2Q A18-49 win over ABC since 2013 and best over CBS since 2014.
  • Compared to the second quarter of 2016, Nightly News increased its A18-49 lead over ABC by +32% (+154,000 vs. +117,000 last year) and over CBS by +5% (+341,000 vs. +324,000 last year).
  • Nightly News has been #1 in A18-49 for eight consecutive quarters and in 79 of the last 82 quarters.
  • Nightly News averaged 7.6 million total viewers, leading CBS by +1.5 million viewers (+25%).

June 2017 Highlights:

  • Nightly News averaged 1.7 million A25-54 viewers, +134,000 (+9%) more than ABC and +436,000 (+35%) more than CBS.
  • Nightly News ranks #1 in A25-54 for 24 consecutive months.
  • Nightly News averaged 1.2 million A18-49 viewers, leading ABC by +110,000 (+10%) and CBS by +359,000 (+43%).
  • Nightly News has won 26 consecutive months and 116 of the last 117 months among A18-9 viewers.
  • Nightly News averaged 7.4 million total viewers, leading CBS by +1.5 million (+26%).

Weekly Highlights:

  • Nightly News averaged 1.7 million A25-54 viewers, outperforming ABC by +125,000 (+8%) and CBS by +372,000 (+29%).
  • Nightly News averaged 1.2 million A18-49 viewers, topping ABC by +134,000 (+13%) and CBS by + 378,000 (+46%).
  • Nightly News has won 53 consecutive weeks in A25-54 and A18-49.

Season Highlights:

  • Nightly News is showing its best A25-54 advantages over ABC in four seasons and CBS in three seasons.
  • Versus last season, Nightly News has increased its A25-54 lead over both ABC and CBS by +14% this season.

Week of June 19 – June 23, 2017:

  Total Viewers     A25-54 Rating     A25-54 Viewers     A18-49 Rating     A18-49 Viewers    
NBC     7.485 1.38 1.662 0.94 1.204
CBS 5.923 1.07 1.290 0.64 0.826
ABC 7.695 1.28 1.537 0.83 1.070


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