Nightly News Ranks #1 among A25-54 and A18-49 for 74 of Last 75 Weeks

Nightly News Holds Biggest Demo Lead over ABC to Start a Season in Three Years

The NBC News Broadcast Posted Its Largest Total Viewer Advantage Over CBS Since February 2015

NEW YORK (January 4, 2017) – “NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt” ranked #1 in the demo for the week of December 26 , averaging 2.1 million A25-54 viewers, leading “ABC World News Tonight” by +169,000 (9%) and “CBS Evening News” by 651,000 (+44%).

Among A18-49, Nightly News averaged 1.5 million viewers for the feaweek, topping ABC by +118,000 (+9%) and CBS by + 457,000 (+44%). The NBC News broadcast has ranked #1 in A25-54 and A18-49 for 74 of the last 75 weeks.

Nightly News averaged 8.8 million total viewers for the week, leading CBS Evening News by +2.1 million (+32%). The NBC News broadcast posted its widest, non-Olympic margin over CBS since the week of February 2, 2015.

NOTE: Due to the Christmas and New Years holidays, Nightly News and ABC are based on 3-day averages (Tue-Thurs) while CBS is based on a 4-day average (Tue-Fri).

Weekly Highlights:

  • Nightly News averaged 2.128 million A25-54 viewers, outperforming ABC by +169,000 (+9%) and CBS by +651,000 (+44%).
  • Nightly News has ranked #1 in A25-54 and A18-49 for 74 of the past 75 weeks.
  • Nightly News averaged 1.501 million A18-49 viewers, topping ABC by +118,000 (+9%) and CBS by +457,000 (+44%).
  • Nightly News averaged 8.802 million total viewers for the week, leading CBS Evening News by +2.146 million (+32%).

Season Highlights:

  • Nightly News is having its best A25-54 lead over ABC to start a season in three years (2013-14).
  • Versus last season, Nightly News has increased its A25-54 lead over ABC by 38% (+263,000 vs. +190,000 last year).

Week of December 25 – December 30, 2016:

Total Viewers     A25-54 Rating     A25-54 Viewers     A18-49 Rating     A18-49 Viewers    
NBC     8.802 1.77 2.128 1.17 1.501
CBS 6.656 1.23 1.477 0.81 1.044
ABC 8.946 1.63 1.959 1.08 1.383

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