NBC Broadcast Wins May 2016 Sweeps Across the Board

Nightly Is #1 in Demo for 11 Straight Months

NEW YORK (June 1, 2016) – “NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt” won its 35th consecutive sweep among total viewers and also won sweeps across the board for May 2016. Nightly averaged 8 million total viewers for the time period, posting the biggest year-over-year increase among the evening newscasts (+3%). In the A25-54 demo, the NBC broadcast average 1.9 million viewers, leading ABC by +10% and CBS by +24%.

For the week of May 23, Nightly won the A25-54 demo, averaging 1.83 million viewers, outperforming ABC by +156,000 (+9%) and CBS by +366,000 (+25%). Nightly has now been #1 in the demo for 11 straight months and earned its biggest win over ABC since January 2016. Nightly also won the week among A18-49 viewers, averaging 1.3 million viewers, topping ABC by +9% and CBS by +32%. Nightly has now been #1 among A18-49 viewers for 13 consecutive months.

Season to date, Nightly is the #1 evening news program in total viewers, A25-54 and A18-49 viewers.  Nightly has ranked #1 in A25-54 and A18-49 for 44 consecutive weeks and 48 of the 49 weeks since Lester Holt officially became anchor.

May 2016 Sweeps Highlights:

  • Nightly averaged 7.948 million total viewers, +36,000 (+0.5%) more than ABC World News Tonight and +1.262 million (+19%) ahead of CBS Evening News.
  • Among total viewers, Nightly has won 35 consecutive sweeps (dating back to November 2007) and 72 of the last 78 sweeps (dating back to February 1997).
  • Nightly posted the biggest total viewer increase versus the May 2015 sweep: +240,000 or +3%.
  • Nightly averaged 1.866 million A25-54 viewers, leading ABC by +174,000 (+10%) and CBS by +358,000 (+24%).
  • Nightly won its 4th consecutive sweep among A25-54 and its 30th of the last 33 sweeps.
  • Nightly posted the biggest demo gain versus May 2015, up +6% or +105,000.
  • Nightly delivered it best May sweep A25-54 advantage over ABC in three years and best over CBS in two years
  • Nightly averaged 1.312 million A18-49 viewers, outperforming ABC by +96,000 (+8%) and CBS by +280,000 (+27%).
  • This was Nightly’s 4th straight sweep victory in A18-49, its 34th of the last 35 sweeps, and its 73rd of the last 78 sweeps.

Weekly Highlights:

  • Nightly averaged 1.827 million A25-54 viewers, outperforming ABC by +156,000 (+9%) and CBS by +366,000 (+25%).
  • Nightly averaged 1.311 million A18-49 viewers, topping ABC by +113,000 (+9%) and CBS by +318,000 (+32%).
  • Nightly has ranked #1 in A25-54 and A18-49 for 44 consecutive weeks and 48 of the 49 weeks since Lester Holt officially became anchor.
  • Nightly won all five evenings among A25-54 and A18-49 viewers.
  • Nightly averaged 7.753 million total viewers, leading CBS Evening News by +1.357 million (+21%).
  • Versus the same week last season, Nightly posted the biggest A25-54 growth (+3%, or +56,000) while also increasing +1% (+77,000) in total viewers.

Season to Date:

  • Season to date, Nightly is the #1 evening news program in total viewers, A25-54 viewers, and A18-49 viewers.
  • Nightly averages 8.793 million total viewers, +243,000 (+3%) ahead of ABC and +1.481 million (+20%) more than CBS.
  • Nightly averages 2.126 million A25-54 viewers, leading ABC by +196,000 (+10%) and CBS by +437,000 (+26%).
  • Nightly is the only evening news program with year-over-year growth among A25-54 viewers this season (+16,000).
  • Nightly has widened its A25-54 lead vs. ABC by 195,000 viewers versus last season (+196,000 lead this season vs. a +1,000 lead this time last year).
  • Nightly averages 1.533 million A18-49 viewers, outperforming ABC by +186,000 (+14%) and CBS by +384,000 (+33%).
  • Nightly has more than doubled its A18-49 advantage over ABC versus last season (up 104% vs. a +91,000 lead last season).

Week of May 23-27, 2016:

  Total Viewers     A25-54 Rating     A25-54 Viewers     A18-49 Rating     A18-49 Viewers    
NBC     7.753 1.54 1.827 1.03 1.311
CBS 6.396 1.23 1.461 0.78 0.993
ABC 7.950 1.41 1.671 0.94 1.198


For more information contact:

Jake Urbanski

NBC News



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“NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt” is America’s most-watched evening newscast, going beyond the day’s headlines to uncover stories of how people’s lives are affected by the world around them. “NBC Nightly News” reaches over 24 million people every week through its broadcast and millions more through NBCNews.com, the “Nightly News” app, and social media platforms. Lester Holt is the anchor and Sam Singal is the executive producer.

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