MAY 28, 2016 – In an interview with moderator Chuck Todd, Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) told moderator Chuck Todd that “for Democrats to win, they’re going to have to address the needs of working people.”

“So I would hope, if I am not the nominee, that the vice presidential candidate will not be from Wall Street, will be somebody who has a history of standing up and fighting for working families, taking on the drug companies whose greed is doing so much harm, taking on Wall Street, taking on corporate America, and fight for a government that works for all of us, not just the 1%,” he said.

A transcript of this interview excerpt is below and available to watch here:

Tune in to “Meet the Press” tomorrow for more from Sen. Sanders as well as an interview with former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R-Ca.).

PLEASE NOTE: Due to NBC Sports programming, “Meet the Press with Chuck Todd” will air at different times this Sunday than its regular schedule in many markets. Revised broadcast times for this coming Sunday can be found here: The show may be pre-empted in some markets but will be available On Demand with video available online at

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CHUCK TODD:  On Friday, you warned Secretary Clinton that if she ends up the nominee that her running mate essentially better not be a conservative or moderate type of Democrat if she wants to win over your supporters and certainly have your enthusiastic support. Do you consider someone like Tim Kaine falling into that category, the Virginia senator that he’s too conservative or moderate to be on the Democratic ticket?

BERNIE SANDERS:  Again, Chuck, I don’t want to shock you, but I think we are once again into a little bit of speculation. I have known Tim Kaine for years. I really like him very much. My point was, and let me repeat it, that for Democrats to win, they’re going to have to address the needs of working people. They’re going to have to address the needs of the middle class.

And that means standing up to Wall Street, standing up to the greed of corporate America. Even now and then, standing up to the media. And that means having a candidate who can excite working families, excite young people, bring them into the political process, create a large voter turnout.

And when we do that, we’re going to win the election. So I would hope, if I am not the nominee, that the vice presidential candidate will not be from Wall Street, will be somebody who has a history of standing up and fighting for working families, taking on the drug companies whose greed is doing so much harm, taking on Wall Street, taking on corporate America, and fight for a government that works for all of us, not just the 1%.

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