Below is the final  partial rush transcript of tonight’s NBC News – YouTube Democratic debate.




10:21:09:00             Thank you.  (APPLAUSE) Andrea, governors have led us to victory in two world wars by doing what America does best.  And that is by joining forces with others, by acting in coalitions.  And I believe that President Obama’s doing the right thing in this case.  We need to learn the lessons from the past.


10:21:28:00             We do need to provide the special– special ops advisors.  We n– do need to provide the technical support that over the long term, we need to develop new alliances.  We need a much more proactive national security strategy that reduces these threats before they rise to the level where it feels like we need to pull for a division of marines.


10:21:45:00             And I also want to add– one other thing here.  I appreciate the fact that in our debate, we don’t use the term you hear Republicans throwin’ around, tryin’ to look all bravado and macho, sending other kids tr– kids into– combat.  They keep using the term “boots on the ground.”  A woman in Burlington, Iowa said to me, “Governor, when you’re with your colleagues, please don’t refer to my son, who has served two du– du– tours of duty in Iraq as a pair of ‘boots on the ground.'”  We need to be mindful (APPLAUSE) of the– (UNINTEL PHRASE).


10:22:15:00             I have a question– I have a question for Senator Sanders.  Did the policies of the Obama administration, in which Secretary Clinton of course was a part, create a vacuum in Iraq and Syria that helped ISIS grow?


10:22:29:00             No.  I think the vacuum was created– by the disastrous war in Iraq.  Which I vigorously opposed.  Not only did I vote against it, I helped lead the opposition.  And what happened there is yeah, it’s easy to get rid of a two-bit dictator like Saddam Hussein, but there wasn’t the kind of thought as to what happens the day after you get him, and what kind of political vacuum occurs, and who rises up?


10:22:59:00             Ca– groups like ISIS.  So I think that President Obama made a promise to the American people when he ran.  And he said, “You know what, I’m gonna do my best to bring American troops home.”  And I supported what he did.  Our job is to train and provide military support for Muslim countries in the area who are prepared to take on ISIS.


10:23:23:00             And one point that I wanna make here that is not made very often.  You have incredibly wealthy countries in that region.  Countries like Saudi Arabia, countries like Qatar.  Qatar happens to be the largest– wealthiest country per capita in the world.  They have got to start putting in some skin in the game and not just ask the United States (APPLAUSE) to do it.


10:23:46:00             Senator– Secretary Clinton, I wanna talk to you about red lines.  Because former Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said in a recent interview that President Obama’s decisions to stand down on planned missile strikes against Damascus, after Assad had used chemical weapons, hurt the president’s credibility.  Should the president have stuck to his red line once he drew it?


10:24:09:00             Look, I– I think that the president’s decision– to go after the chemical weapons, once there was a potential opportunity to build on when the Russians– opened that door, resulted in a very positive outcome.  We were able to get the chemical weapons out.  I know from my own experience– as secretary of State– that we were deeply worried about Assad’s forces using chemical weapons, because it would have had not only an horrific effect on people in Syria, but it could very well have affected the surrounding states– Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Turkey.  So getting those chemical weapons out was a big–


10:24:54:00             But should he–


10:24:54:00             –big deal.  But–


10:24:54:00             Should he have stuck to his guns–

10:24:56:00                           (OVERTALK)


10:24:57:00             Well, but– but look–


10:24:57:00             –or did it hurt U.S.  credibility?


10:24:58:00             I– I think as commander in chief, you’ve got to constantly be evaluating the decisions you have to make.  I know a little bit about this, having spent many hours in the situation room, advising President Obama.  And I wanna just add to something that Senator Sanders said.  The United States had a very big interest in trying to help stabilize the region.


10:25:23:00             If there is any blame to be spread around, it starts with the prime minister of Iraq, who sectarianized his military, se– setting Shia against Sunni.  It is amplified by Assad, who has waged one of the bloodiest, most terrible attacks on his own people, 250,000 plus dead, millions fleeing, causing this vacuum that has been filled, unfortunately, by terrorist groups– including ISIS.


10:25:54:00             So I think we are in the midst of great turmoil in this region.  We have a proxy conflict going on between Saudi Arabia and Iran.  You know, one of the– criticisms I’ve had of– Senator Sanders is his suggestion that, you know, Iranian troops be used to try to end the war in Syria and go after ISIS–


10:26:14:00             Your– your ti– your time is up, Secretary–

10:26:15:00                           (OVERTALK)


10:26:16:00             –let me just–


10:26:16:00             Which I don’t think would be a good idea–


10:26:17:00             Okay, but let me–

10:26:18:00                           (OVERTALK)


10:26:18:00             –but overall, a lot of the forces at work in the region–


10:26:21:00             All right.


10:26:22:00             –are ones that we cannot–


10:26:23:00             Okay.


10:26:24:00             –directly influence, but we can–


10:26:27:00             All right, let me suggest–

10:26:27:00                           (OVERTALK)


10:26:31:00             Senator Sanders?  (APPLAUSE)


10:26:33:00             Where– where Secretary Clinton and I think– I– I agree with most of– of– of what she said.  But where I think we do have an honest– disagreement is that in the incredible quagmire of Syria, where it’s hard to know who’s fighting who, and if you give arms to this guy, it may end up in ISIS’s hands the next day.  We all know that.


10:26:53:00             And we all know, no argument, the secretary is absolutely right.  Assad is a butcher of his own people, a man using chemical weapons against his own people.  This is beyond disgusting.  But I think in terms of pr– our priorities in the region, our first priority– priority must be the destruction of ISIS.


10:27:14:00             Our second priority must be getting rid of Assad through some political settlement, working with Iran, working with Russia.  But the immediate task is to bring all interests together, who want to destroy ISIS, including Russia, including Iran, including our Muslim allies, to make that the major priority.


10:27:36:00             But in all of that, Senator and Secretary, I think we’re leaving out something very important here.  And that is that we still don’t have the human intelligence, overt, in terms of diplomatic intelligence, or covert, to understand even what the heck happens as the secondary and tertiary effects of some of these things.  (COUGH)


10:27:55:00             We are walking through this– this region, Andrea, without the human intelligence that we need.  And we need to make a renewed investment as a country into bringing up a new generation of foreign service officers and bringing up a new generation of business people, and then actually understanding and having relationships in these places so we have a better sense of what the heck happens after a dictator topples and can take action to prevent another safe haven and another iteration of terror.


10:28:23:00             Your time is up.


10:28:24:00             Yes–


10:28:25:00             Lester?


10:28:25:00             –as (APPLAUSE) Senator Sanders mentioned– Russia a moment ago.  Secretary Clinton, you famously handed Russia’s foreign minister a reset button in 2009.  Since then, Russia has annexed Crimea– fomented a war in Ukraine, provided weapons that downed an airliner, and launched operations, as we just d– discussed, to support Assad in Syria.  As president, would you hand Vladimir Putin a reset button?


10:28:48:00             Well, I’d depend for what I got for it.  And I can tell you what we got– in the first term.  We got a new start treaty to reduce nuclear weapons– between the United States and Russia.  We got permission to resupply our troops in Afghanistan by traveling across– Russia.  We got Russia to sign on– to our sanctions against Iran, and other– very important– commitments.


10:29:15:00             So look, in diplomacy, you are always trying to see how you can figure out the interests of the other, to see if there isn’t some way you can advance your security and your values.  When Putin came back in the fall of 2011– it was very clear he came back with a mission.  And I began speaking out as soon as that happened, because there were some fraudulent elections held, and Russians poured out into the streets to demand their freedom.  And he cracked down, and in fact, accused me of fomenting it.  So we now know that he has a mixed– record, to say the least, and we have to figure out how to deal with him.  We–


10:29:59:00             What’s your relationship with him?


10:30:01:00             Well, my relationship with him– (LAUGH) it’s– it’s– it’s interesting.  It’s– (LAUGHTER) it’s one I think of– respect.  We’ve had some very tough dealings with one another.  And– I know that he’s someone that you have to continually stand up to.  Because like many bullies, he is somebody who will take as much as he possibly can, unless you do.


10:30:32:00             And we need to get the Europeans to be more willing to stand up.  I was pleased they put sanctions on after Crimea and Eastern Ukraine, and the downing of the airliner.  But we’ve got to be more united in preventing Putin from taking a more aggressive stance in Europe and the Middle East.


10:30:49:00             We wanna turn right now (APPLAUSE) to the issue of balancing national security concerns with the privacy rights of Americans.  That bring us to YouTube and this question.


10:31:00:00             Hi, my name is Marques Brownlee, and I’ve been making YouTube videos about electronics and gadgets for the past seven years.  I think America’s future success is tied to getting all kinds of tech right.  Tech companies are responsible for the encryption technology to protect personal data.  But the government wants a back door into that information.  So do you think it’s possible to find common ground?  And where do you stand on privacy versus security?


10:31:20:00             So Governor O’Malley?


10:31:21:00             Thank you.  I believe whether it’s a back door or front door, that the– that the American principle of law should still hold.  That our federal government should have to get a warrant whether they wanna come through your back door or your front door.  (APPLAUSE) And I also agree, Lester, with– with Benjamin Franklin, who said, “No people should ever give up their privacy or their freedoms in a promise for security.”


10:31:42:00             So– well, we’re a collaborative people.  We need collaborative leadership here, with Silicon Valley, and other bright people in my own state of– of Maryland, around M.S.A. that can actually figure this out.  But there are certain immutable principles that– will not become– antique things in our country so long as we defend our country and its values and its freedoms.


10:32:02:00             And one of the things is our– our right to be secure in our homes and our right to expect that our federal government should have to get a warrant.  I also wanna say that while we’ve made some progress on the– patriot act, I do believe that we need an adversarial port system there.  We need a public advocate, we need to develop jurisprudence so that we can develop a body of law that protects the privacy of Americans in the information and digital age.


10:32:26:00             That’s time.  You have all talked about– what you would do fighting ISIS over there.  But we’ve been hit in this country by home-grown terrorists, from Chattanooga, to San Bernardino– the recent shooting of a police officer in Philadelphia.  How are you gonna fight lone wolves here, Senator Sanders–


10:32:42:00             Okay, Lester, year in and year out, I was the leader of the U.S.–

10:32:44:00                           (OVERTALK)


10:32:45:00             –Senator Sanders, I wasn’t clear.  I apologize.


10:32:47:00             Okay.  I just wanted to add– in the previous question– I voted against the USA Patriot Act for many of the reasons that Governor O’Malley mentioned.  But it is not only the government that we have to worry about, it is private corporations.  You would all be amazed, or maybe not, about the amount of information private companies and the government have in terms of the websites that you access, the products that you buy, where you are this very moment.  And it is very clear to me that public policy has not caught up with the explosion of technology.  So yes, we have to work with Silicon Valley to make sure that we do not allow ISIS to translate information–


10:33:32:00             But in terms of lone wolves– the threat, how do you deal with it–


10:33:36:00             Right, what we have got to do there is, among other things, as I was just saying, have Silicon Valley help us to make sure that information being transmitted through the internet, or in other ways– by ISIS, is in fact, discovered.  But I do believe we can do that without violating the constitutional and privacy rights of the American people.


10:34:00:00             We have to go to–

10:34:00:00                           (OVERTALK)


10:34:01:00             We have to go to a break, but when we come back, let me get to some of the burning questions these candidates have yet to answer–

10:34:06:00                           (OVERTALK)


10:34:07:00             –to talk about.

10:38:08:00                           (MUSIC)


10:38:15:00             And welcome back to Charleston.  As we were going to a break S– Secretary Clinton I– I cut you off.  I– I’ll give you 30 seconds to respond on the issue of– lone wolves.


10:38:22:00             Can I get 30 seconds too?  (LAUGHTER) (CHEERING)


10:38:33:00             Secretary Clinton.


10:38:36:00             Well, I– I wanted to– say– and I’ll do it quickly, I was very pleased that– leaders of President Obama’s– administration went out to Silicon Valley last week and began exactly this conversation about what we can do consistent with privacy and security.


10:38:52:00             We need better intelligence cooperation.  We need to be sure that we’re getting the best intelligence that we can from friends and allies around the world.  And then we’ve gotta recognize our first line of defense against lone wolf attacks is among Muslim Americans.  And it is not only shameful, it is dangerous for the kinds of comments you’re hearing from the Republican side.  We need to be reaching out and unifying our country against (CHEERING) terrorist attacks and lone wolves and working with Muslim Americans.

10:39:23:00                           (OVERTALK)


10:39:23:00             Andrea has a follow-up.


10:39:25:00             Just– just a quick follow-up–


10:39:26:00             Andrea– Andrea–

10:39:28:00                           (OVERTALK)


10:39:27:00             –for Secretary Clinton, just– just a moment, governor.


10:39:29:00             –my 30 seconds?


10:39:30:00             But– but– Secretary Clinton you said that the leaders from the intelligence community went to Silicon Valley.  They were flatly turned down.  They got nowhere.


10:39:38:00             That is not what I’ve heard.  Let me leave it at that.


10:39:40:00             Andrea, I need to talk about homeland security and preparedness.  Ever since the attacks of September 11th, 30 seconds, ever since the attacks of September 11th my colleagues, Democratic and Republican mayors, Democratic and Republican governors made me their leader on homeland scrutiny and preparedness.


10:39:53:00             Here in the homeland unlike combating ISIL abroad we’re almost like it’s– your body’s immune system.  It’s able to protect your body against bad bugs not necessarily ’cause it outnumbers ’em but it’s better connected.  The fusion centers, the– bio-surveillance systems, better prepared first responders.


10:40:11:00             But there’s another front in this battle and it is this.  That’s the political front.  And if Donald Trump wants to start a registry in our country of people by faith he can start with me.  And I will sign up as one who is totally opposed to his fascist appeals that wants to vilify American Muslims.  That can do more damage to our democracy than any s– thing–

10:40:33:00                           (OVERTALK)


10:40:34:00             All right, that’s time.  And we do– we (CHEERING) do have to move on.  Secretary Clinton, this is the first time–

10:40:38:00                           (OVERTALK)


10:40:39:00             –that–


10:40:40:00             Can I just get a very brief response.  Very brief.


10:40:41:00             –thir– third seconds, Senator.


10:40:44:00             Okay.  One– and– and I agree with what the secretary said and– and what Governor O’Malley said.  But here’s an issue that we also should talk about.  We have $600 billion military budget.  It is a budget larger than the next eight countries.


10:40:59:00             Unfortunately much of that budget continues to fight the old Cold War with the Soviet Union.  Very little of that budget– less than 10% actually goes into fighting ISIS and international terrorism.  We need to be thinkin’ hard about making fundamental changes in the priorities of the defense department.


10:41:25:00             All right, Secretary Clinton, (APPLAUSE) this is the first time that a spouse of a former president could be elected president.  You have said that President Clinton would advise you on economic issues.  But be specific if you can.  Are you talking about– a kitchen table role on economics or will he have a real policy role?


10:41:43:00             Well, I– it’ll start at the kitchen table.  We’ll see how it goes from there.  (LAUGHTER) And I– (CHEERING) I’m gonna have the very best advisors that I can possibly have.  And when it comes to the economy– and what was accomplished under my husband’s leadership in the 90s, especially when it came to raising income for everybody and lifting more people out of poverty than any time in recent history you bet I’m gonna ask for his ideas, I’m gonna ask for his advice.


10:42:18:00             And I’m gonna use him as– a good will– emissary to go around the country to find the best ideas we’ve got.  Because I do believe, as he said, everything that’s wrong with America has been solved somewhere in America.  We just have to do more of it and we have to reach out, especially in the poor communities and communities of color to give more people their own chance to get ahead.


10:42:41:00             Senator Sanders, a 30 second response (CHEERING) here.


10:42:49:00             Great ideas.  Governor O’Malley, Secretary Clinton.  But here’s the truth, if you have an administration stacked with Wall Street appointees it ain’t gonna accomplish very much.  So here’s a promise that I make, I mentioned a moment ago how corrupt the system is.  Goldman Sachs paying a $5 billion fine gives this country in recent history a Republican secretary of treasury, a Democratic secretary of treasury.  Here’s a promise, if elected president Goldman Sachs is not gonna have– bring forth a secretary of treasury for a Sanders’ administration.


10:43:29:00             (CHEERING) Senator Sanders, let me ask you a question, you called Bill Clinton’s past transgressions, quote, totally, totally, totally disgraceful and unacceptable.  Senator, do you regret saying that?


10:43:43:00             I was asked a question, you know, one of the things, Andrea, and I– that– that question annoys me.  I cannot (LAUGHTER) walk down the street– Secretary Clinton knows this– without being told how much I have to attack Secretary Clinton.  Wanna get me on the front pages of the paper, I make some vicious attack.  I have avoided doing that, trying to run an issue oriented campaign.  (CHEERING) I was–

10:44:11:00                           (OVERTALK)


10:44:12:00             –asked a question.


10:44:14:00             You didn’t have to answer it that way though.  Why–


10:44:13:00             Well–


10:44:14:00             –did you?


10:44:15:00             –then if I don’t answer it then there’s another front page.  So yes.  (LAUGHTER) And I mean this seriously.  You know that.  We’ve been through this.  Yes, his behavior was deplorable.  Have I ever once said a word about that issue?  No I have not.  I’m gonna debate Secretary Clinton, Governor O’Malley on the issues facing the American people.  Not Bill Clinton’s personal (CHEERING) views (?).


10:44:38:00             We will take a break.  We’ll continue from Charleston right after this.  (LAUGHTER)

10:44:43:00                           (MUSIC)

10:44:52:00                           (BREAK IN TAPE)

10:48:54:00                           (MUSIC)


10:49:00:00             Welcome back, everybody.  Finally before we go tonight we set up here to understand points of differences between you.  We believe we– we’ve learned a lot here.  But before we leave, is there anything that you really wanted to say tonight that you haven’t gotten a chance to say?  And we’ll start with Governor O’Malley.  (LAUGHTER) (CHEERING) Didn’t see that coming–

10:49:29:00                           (OVERTALK)


10:49:30:00             –did you?


10:49:30:00             You know what, we’re gonna have to get 20 minutes to do it.  So (LAUGHTER) look I believe there–

10:49:34:00                           (OVERTALK)


10:49:35:00             –are many issues, so what– 60 seconds for this?


10:49:35:00             Sixty seconds.  We’d appreciate it.


10:49:38:00             There are so many issues that– that we haven’t been able to discuss here.  We have not fully discussed immigration reform and the deplorable number of immigrant detention camps that our nation’s now maintaining.  We haven’t discussed the shameful treatment that the people of Puerto Rico, our fellow Americans, are being treated with by these hedge funds that are working (UNINTEL).   (APPLAUSE)


10:50:00:00             We haven’t discussed the fact that in our own hemisphere we have the danger of nation state failures because of drug traffickers in– in Honduras and Guatemala and El Salvador.  I guess the bottom line is this, look, we are– a great people when we act at home and abroad.


10:50:15:00             Based on the beliefs that unite us, our belief in the dignity of every person, our belief in our own common good.  There is no challenge that is too great for us to overcome provided we bring forward in these divided times new leadership that can heal our divides here at home and bring our principles into alignment abroad.  We’re on the threshold of a new era of American progress.  And I believe we have only need to join forces together and cross that threshold into a new era of American prosperity.


10:50:40:00             And that’s time.


10:50:42:00             Thanks a lot.  (CHEERING)


10:50:44:00             Secretary Clinton.


10:50:50:00             Well, Lester, I– I spent a lot of time last week being outraged by what’s happening in Flint, Michigan.  And I think every (CHEERING) single American should be outraged.  We’ve had a city in the United States of America where the population which is poor in many ways and majority African-American has been drinking and bathing in lead contaminated water.


10:51:15:00             And the governor of that state acted as though he didn’t really care.  He had request for help but he basically stonewalled.  I’ll tell you what, if the kids in a rich suburb of Detroit had been drinking contaminated water and being bathed in it there would’ve been action.  So I sent my top campaign aide down there to talk to the– mayor of Flint to see what I could do to help.


10:51:39:00             And I issued a statement about what we needed to do.  And then I went on a TV show and said it was outrageous that the governor hadn’t acted.  And within two hours he had.  I wanna be a president takes care of the big (CHEERING) problems and the problems that are affecting the people of our country every day.


10:51:58:00             Thank you.  Senator Sanders.


10:52:04:00             Well, Secretary Clinton was right.  And what I did which I think is also right is demanded the resignation of the governor.  A man who acts that irresponsibly (APPLAUSE) should not stay in power.  Now we are a great nation.  And we’ve heard a lotta great ideas here tonight.


10:52:22:00             But let’s be honest and let’s be truthful.  Very little is going to be done to transform our economy and to create the kind of middle class we need unless we end a corrupt campaign finance system which is undermining American democracy.   (CHEERING) We have gotta get rid of super pack.  We have got to get rid of citizens united.


10:52:55:00             And what we have got to do is create a political revolution which revitalizes American democracy, which brings millions of young people and working people into the political process.  To say loudly and clearly that the government of the United States of America belongs to all of us and not just a handful of wealthy campaign contributors.


10:53:20:00             All right, well, thank you.  (CHEERING) And thanks to all of you for being here tonight, shedding light on some of the differences– as Americans get ready to vote.  I also wanna thank the Congressional Black Caucus Institute and certainly my friend and colleague, Andrea Mitchell.  This has been great.  It’s been a great, spirited conversation a new– American people appreciate it.  Let me turn it over to my friend, Chuck Todd, now.