Below is a partial rush transcript of tonight’s NBC News – YouTube Democratic debate.





10:06:28:00             We’ve got a lot of ground to cover here.  Many Democratic voters are passionate about the need to do something to combat the threat of climate change, including the theme of scientists from YouTube’s Minute Earth channel, here’s their take.


10:06:42:00             Hello from Minute Earth.  Fossil fuels have long kept our cars moving and our light bulbs lit.  But we now know that burning these fuels are really just heat-trapping gasses that are warming the planet, causing seas to rise and contributing to extreme weather events, like South Carolina’s devastating flooding last year.


10:06:57:00             Fighting human-caused climate change means giving up our global addiction to fossil fuels and (UNINTEL) the bulk of the world’s energy supply to alternative sources.  Some countries have acted decisively to make this transition.  But here at home, we still get a whopping 82% of our energy from coal, oil, and natural gas.  In the U.S., political gridlock, pressure from industry lobbyists, and insufficient R&D have made an already tough battle against climate change even tougher.


10:07:21:00             Senator Sanders, Americans love their SUVs, which spiked in sales last year as gas prices plummeted.  How do you convince Americans that the problem of climate change is so urgent that they need to change their behavior?


10:07:33:00             I think we already are.  Younger generation understands it instinctively.  I was home in Burlington, Vermont on Christmas Eve.  The temperature was 65°.  People in Vermont know what’s goin’ on.  People who did ice fishing, where their ice is no longer there on the lake understand what’s going on.  I’m on both the Environmental and Energy Committees.


10:07:53:00             The debate is over.  Climate change is real.  It is already causing major problems.  And if we do not act boldly and decisively, a bad situation will become worse.  It is amazing to me, and I think we’ll have agreement on this up here, that we have a major party called the Republican Party that is so owned by the fossil fuel industry, and their campaign contributions, that they don’t even have the courage, the decency to listen to the scientists.


10:08:25:00             It is beyond my comprehension (APPLAUSE) how we can elect the president of the United States, somebody like Trump, who believes that climate change is a hoax, invented by the Chinese.  (LAUGHTER) Bottom line is, we need to be bold and decisive, we can create millions of jobs.  We must, for the sake of our kids and grandchildren, transform our energy system away from fossil fuel to energy efficiency and sustainable energy–

10:08:53:00                           (OVERTALK)


10:08:54:00             I’ve got the most comprehensive legislation in the Senate to do that.  And as president, I will fight to make that happen–


10:09:00:00             Governor O’Malley, 30 seconds–

10:09:01:00                           (OVERTALK)


10:09:02:00             Thank you.  (APPLAUSE) Lester, on this stage tonight, this Democratic stage, where we actually believe in science, (LAUGHTER) I would like to challenge and invite my colleagues here on this stage to join me in putting forward a plan to move us to a 100% clean, electric energy grid by 2050.  It can be done with solar, with wind, (APPLAUSE) with new technologies, with green buildings.


10:09:27:00             This can happen.  But in all– President Obama made us more energy independent.  But– but in all of the above strategy didn’t land us on the moon.  We need American ingenuity and we need to reach this goal by 2050 for the sake of our kids–


10:09:40:00             That’s time.  We’re gonna take a break–

10:09:42:00                           (OVERTALK)


10:09:42:00             When we return, (APPLAUSE) the late-breaking development regarding Iran.  (MUSIC) The threat of ISIS now more real than ever on U.S.  soil.  Americans in fear, and hearing few good answers.  We’ll be right back.  (LONG PAUSE) (MUSIC) Charleston, Andrea Mitchell has questions now for the candidates, starting with Iran.


10:16:12:00             Thank you, Lester.  Senator Sanders, the nuclear deal is now in force.  Iran is getting us billions of dollars.  Several Americans who have been held are now gonna be heading home.  The president said today is a good day.  It’s a good day for diplomacy.  Is it time now to restore diplomatic relations for the first time since 1979, and actually reopen a U.S.  embassy in Tehran?


10:16:36:00             I think what we have got to do is move as aggressively as we can to normalize relations– with Iran, understanding that Iran’s behavior in so many ways is something that we disagree with.  Their support for terrorism– the anti-American rhetoric that we’re hearing from some of their leadership is something that is not acceptable.


10:17:00:00             On the other hand, the fact that we managed to reach an agreement, something that I very strongly supported, that prevents Iran from getting a nuclear weapon, and that we did that without going to war, and that I believe we’re seeing a thaw in our relationships with Iran is a very positive step.  So if your question is, do I want to see that relationship become more positive in the future?  Yes.


10:17:27:00             Can I tell you that we should open an embassy in Tehran tomorrow?  No, I don’t think we should.  But I think the goal has got to be, as we have done with Cuba, to move in warm relations with a very powerful and important country in this world.


10:17:41:00             Your response, Secretary Clinton?  (CHEERING) (APPLAUSE)


10:17:44:00             Well, I’m very proud– of the– Iran nuclear agreement.  I was– very pleased to be part of– what the president put into action when he took office.  I was responsibility for getting those sanctions imposed, which put the pressure on Iran that brought them to the negotiating table, which resulted in this agreement.


10:18:06:00             And so they have been, so far, following their requirements under the agreement.  But I think we still have to carefully watch them.  We’ve had one good day over 36 years, and I think we need more good days before we move more rapidly– toward any know normalization.  And we have to be sure that they are truly going to implement the agreements.  And then we have to go after them on a lot of their other bad behavior in the region, which is causing enormous problems in Syria, Yemen, Iraq, and elsewhere.

10:18:39:00                           (OVERTALK)


10:18:39:00             You– you mentioned Syria, let me ask you about Syria, all of you.  Let’s turn to Syria, the civil war that has been raging there.  Are there any circumstances in which you could see deploying significant numbers of ground forces in Syria?  Not just special forces, special operators, but significant ground forces to combat ISIS in a direct combat role?  Let me start with you, Secretary Clinton (UNINTEL).


10:19:00:00             Absolutely not.  I have a three-point plan that does not include American ground forces.  It includes the United States leading an air coalition, which is what we are doing.  Supporting fighters on the ground, the Iraqi Army, which is beginning to show more ability, the Sunni fighters– that we are now helping to reconstitute, and Kurdish fighters on both sides of the border.


10:19:25:00             I think we also have to try to disrupt their supply chain of foreign fighters and foreign money.  And we do have to contest them in online space.  So I’m very committed to both going after ISIS, but also supporting what Secretary Kerry is doing to try to move on a political, diplomatic course to try to begin to slow down and hopefully end the carnage in Syria, which is the root of so many of the problems that we see in the region and beyond.


10:19:57:00             Senator Sanders– (APPLAUSE)


10:19:58:00             This is–


10:19:58:00             –ground forces?  Yes or no?


10:20:00:00             As everybody here knows, this is an incredibly complicated and difficult issue.  And I applaud, I know President Obama’s been gettin’ a lotta criticism on this.  I think he is doing the right thing.  What the nightmare is, which many of my Republican colleagues appear to want, is to not have learned the lesson of Iraq.  To get American young men and women involved in perpetual warfare, in the quagmire of Syria and the Middle East would be an unmitigated disaster that as president, I will do everything in my power to avoid.


10:20:38:00             Andrea–


10:20:39:00             We should– (APPLAUSE)


10:20:39:00             Governor O’Malley?


10:20:40:00             We should learn– we should learn from King Abdullah of Jordan, one of the few heroes in a very unheroic place.  And what Abdullah said, is this is a war for the soul of Islam.  And that Muslim troops should be on the ground with our support and the support of other major countries.  That is how we destroy ISIS, not with American troops in perpetual warfare.


10:21:09:00             Governor O’Malley?


10:21:09:00             Thank you.  (APPLAUSE)