Nightly is #1 Across the Board with Widest Gaps over World News Tonight since June

NBC Broadcast Posts Double-Digit Gains in All Categories Year-to-Year

SEPTEMBER 1, 2015 – “NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt” was #1 across the board for the week of August 24-28, posting its widest advantages over ABC among both total viewers and the key demo in two months (since the week of 6/29).

Nightly was up in all categories week-to-week and widened its lead over ABC by +133% among total viewers and by +53% among viewers A25-54.

Nightly posted double-digit gains across the board year-to-year and was the only evening newscast to show improvement in the demo.

The NBC broadcast has been #1 among total viewers all 10 weeks since Holt was named anchor and #1 across the board for 5 straight weeks and 9 out of the 10 weeks. Nightly has now won among total viewers for 15 of the last 18 weeks, and 303 of the last 310 weeks.

Season-to-date, Nightly is #1 in total viewers, A25-54, and A18-49.

Note: CBS is based on a 4-day average (Mon-Thurs) due to an NFL pre-season game on Friday.

Weekly Highlights:            

  • Nightly averaged 8.424 million total viewers, +777,000 (+10%) ahead of ABC World News Tonight and +1.926 million (+30%) more than CBS Evening News.
  • This marks Nightly’s biggest total viewer audience and widest gap over ABC since the week of 6/29/15 and best win over CBS since 3/23/15.
  • Nightly averaged 2.100 million A25-54 viewers, leading ABC by +228,000 (+12%) and CBS by +685,000 (+48%).
  • This marks Nightly’s biggest demo audience since the week of 3/2/15, widest gap over ABC since 6/29 and best win over CBS since 2/2.
  • Nightly delivered a 1.8 A25-54 rating, +2 tenths more than ABC and +6 tenths more than CBS.
  • Nightly averaged 1.509 million A18-49 viewers, +246,000 (+20%) higher than ABC and +501,000 (+50%) more than CBS.
  • This marks Nightly’s biggest A18-49 audience since the week of 3/2 and widest gap over both ABC and CBS since the week of 2/2.
  • Nightly delivered a 1.2 A18-49 rating, +2 tenths more than ABC and +4 tenths more than CBS.


  • Week-to-week, Nightly posted across-the-board gains in total viewers (+2%, or +178,000), A25-54 viewers (+6%, or +119,000), and A18-49 viewers (+8%, or +114,000).
  • Compared to its 3Q’15-to-date average, Nightly was up in total viewer (+6%, or +445,000), A25-54 viewers (+8%, or +164,000), and A18-49 viewers (+9%, or +124,000).
  • Compared to the same week last season, Nightly delivered across-the-board double-digit growth in total viewers (+13%, or +975,000), A25-54 viewers (+25%, or +424,000), and A18-49 viewers (+21%, or +264,000.

Season-to-Date Highlights:

  • Nightly is averaging 8.662 million total viewers, outperforming ABC by +359,000 (+4%) and CBS by +24% (1.668 million).
  • Nightly is averaging 2.065 million A25-54 viewers this season, leading ABC by +23,000 (+1%) and CBS by +441,000 (+27%).
  • Nightly is averaging 1.480 million A18-49 viewers this season, leading ABC by +95,000 (+7%) and CBS by +373,000 (+34%).

WEEK OF AUGUST 24-28, 2015

Total Viewers A25-54 Rating A25-54 Viewers A18-49 Ratings A18-49 Viewers
NBC 8.424 1.8 2.100 1.2 1.509
CBS 6.498 1.2 1.415 0.8 1.008
ABC 7.647 1.5 1.872 1.0 1.263


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