AUGUST 8, 2015 – In a Sunday exclusive interview with “Meet the Press” moderator Chuck Todd, Republican presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio responds to Donald Trump’s controversial remarks: “If I comment on everything he says, my whole campaign will be consumed by it.”
Addessing Trump’s recent criticism of Fox News’ Megyn Kelly, Rubio says, “I think she can take anything that comes her way.”
Rubio’s interview will air tomorrow on NBC News’ “Meet the Press” and post in full online at
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Chuck Todd: Let me start with all the fall out here with Donald Trump. He is not apologizing to Megyn Kelly, one of the moderators. Should he?
Marco Rubio: First, I think Megyn Kelly is very good. She’s going to ask tough questions. She’s a strong woman, and I think she can take anything that comes her way. I’ve made a decision here with Donald Trump, you know, if I comment on everything he says, my whole campaign will be consumed by it. That’s all I’ll do all day. So — We welcome anybody who wants to be a part of the Republican Party. He obviously has the poll numbers that justify him being on the stage, and we’ll let him answer for what he says and so forth. At this point, I mean, we’ve got to focus on our message. Otherwise my whole campaign will be what — how do you feel about what Donald Trump said about something. He says something every day.
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For more information, please contact:
Olivia Petersen
NBC News
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