Nightly Posts Largest Week-to-Week Growth and Widens Gap Over ABC by Double Digits

NBC Broadcast Wins 8th Consecutive July Sweep 

AUGUST 4, 2015 – “NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt” was #1 across the board for both the last week of July and the July sweep period, marking the broadcast’s sixth straight total viewer win and fifth demo victory in six weeks.

For the 2015 July sweep period, Nightly drew its biggest total viewer audience in 10 years and best demo average since 2013. This marks Nightly’s 8th consecutive July sweep win among total viewers and 7th demo victory in 8 years.

According to Nielsen Media Research Live+Same Day data for the week of July 27-31, the NBC broadcast hit three-week highs in both total viewer and A25-54 deliveries and widened the total viewer gap over ABC by +17% versus the prior week.

Week-to-week, Nightly posted the largest gains among the evening newscasts in total viewers (+2%, or +170,000), A25-54 viewers (+5%, or +86,000), and A18-49 viewers (+3%, or +45,000).

Nightly has now won among total viewers for 11 of the last 14 weeks and 299 of the last 306 weeks.

Season-to-date, Nightly is #1 in total viewers, A25-54, and A18-49.

Weekly Highlights:            

  • Nightly averaged 7.827 million total viewers, +254,000 (+3%) ahead of ABC World News Tonight and +1.724 million (+28%) more than CBS Evening News.
  • Nightly averaged 1.927 million A25-54 viewers, leading ABC by +118,000 (+7%) and CBS by +525,000 (+37%).
  • Nightly delivered a 1.6 A25-54 rating, +1 tenth more than ABC and +4 tenths more than CBS.
  • Nightly averaged 1.355 million A18-49 viewers, +88,000 (+7%) higher than ABC and +369,000 (+37%) more than CBS.
  • Nightly delivered a 1.1 A18-49 rating, +1 tenth more than ABC and +3 tenths more than CBS.

July Sweep Highlights:

  • Nightly averaged 7.904 million total viewers, +217,000 (+3%) more than ABC World News Tonight and +1,593,000 (26%) ahead of CBS Evening News.
  • Nightly has won 8 straight July sweep periods and 18 of the last 19 July sweeps.
  • Nightly averaged 1.913 million A25-54 viewers, leading ABC by x and CBS by +497,000 (+37%).
  • Nightly has won 7 of the last 8 July sweeps among A25-54 viewers.
  • Nightly delivered a 1.6 A25-54 rating, +1 tenth more than ABC and +4 tenths more than CBS.
  • Nightly averaged 1.371 million A18-49 viewers, leading ABC by x and CBS by +357,000 (+37%).
  • Nightly has won 8 straight and 19 of the last 20 July sweeps among A18-49 viewers.
  • Nightly delivered a 1.1 A18-49 rating, +1 tenth more than ABC and +3 tenths more than CBS.

Season-to-Date Highlights:

  • Nightly is averaging 8.713 million total viewers, outperforming ABC by +350,000 (+4%) and CBS by +24% (1.669 million).
  • Nightly is averaging 2.071 million A25-54 viewers this season, leading ABC by +8,000 and CBS by +431,000 (+26%).
  • Nightly is averaging 1.486 million A18-49 viewers this season, leading ABC by +87,000 (+6%) and CBS by +370,000 (+33%).

WEEK OF JULY 27-31, 2015

Total Viewers A25-54 Rating A25-54 Viewers A18-49 Ratings A18-49 Viewers
NBC 7.827 1.6 1.927 1.1 1.355
CBS 6.103 1.2 1.402 0.8 0.986
ABC 7.573 1.5 1.809 1.0 1.267



Total Viewers A25-54 Rating A25-54 Viewers A18-49 Ratings A18-49 Viewers
NBC 7.904 1.6 1.913 1.1 1.371
CBS 6.387 1.2 1.423 0.8 1.008
ABC 7.504 1.5 1.818 1.0 1.265


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