NBC Broadcast is Only Evening Newscast to Deliver Week-to-Week Total Viewer Growth

JUNE 16, 2015 — “NBC Nightly News” was #1 in total viewers and younger viewers A18-49 for the week of June 8-12, 2015, according to Nielsen Media Research data.  The NBC broadcast has been #1 in total viewers for 3 of the last 4 weeks and 5 of the last 7 weeks.

Nightly was the only evening newscast to deliver week-to-week total viewer growth, hitting a 7-week high.  Versus the prior week, Nightly saw across-the-board gains in total viewers (+2%, or +117,000), A25-54 viewers (+6%, or +116,000), and A18-49 viewers (+6%, or +72,000).

The NBC broadcast posted its biggest lead over ABC since the week of 5/4/2015 and its widest gap over CBS since the week of 3/23/2015.  Nightly also delivered its biggest A25-54 audience and demo lead over CBS since the week of 3/23/2015.

NOTE: ABC is based on a 3-day average due to NBA finals on Tuesday and Thursday, while NBC and CBS are based on 5-day averages.

Weekly Highlights:            

  • Nightly averaged 7.868 million total viewers, +56,000 (+1%) more than ABC World News Tonight and +1,400,000 (22%) ahead of CBS Evening News.
  • Nightly averaged 1.928 million A25-54 viewers, leading CBS by +471,000 (+32%).
  • Week-to-week, Nightly cut the demo gap with ABC by 80% (-32,000 this week vs. -162,000 a week ago).
  • Nightly delivered a 1.6 A25-54 rating, +4 tenths more than CBS.
  • Nightly averaged 1.374 million A18-49 viewers, leading ABC by +50,000 (+4%) and CBS by +370,000 (+37%).
  • Nightly delivered a 1.1 A18-49 rating, +1 tenth ahead of ABC and +3 tenths more than CBS.

Season-to-Date Highlights:

  • Nightly is averaging 8.858 million total viewers, outperforming ABC by +4% (+350,000) and CBS by +24% (1.704 million).
  • Nightly is averaging 1.505 million A18-49 viewers this season, leading ABC by +6% (+85,000) and CBS by +33% (+372,000).

WEEK OF JUNE 8-12, 2015

Total Viewers A25-54 Rating A25-54 Viewers A18-49 Ratings A18-49 Viewers
NBC 7.868 1.61 1.928 1.08 1.374
CBS 6.468 1.22 1.457 0.79 1.004
ABC 7.812 1.64 1.960 1.04 1.324


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