MAY 27, 2015 — “NBC Nightly News” was #1 in total viewers and both demos A25-54 and A18-49 for the week of May 18-22, 2015, according to Nielsen Media Research data.  The NBC broadcast has been #1 in total viewers for 3 of the past 4 weeks.

Season-to-date, Nightly is the #1 evening news broadcast in total viewers and all key demographics.

Weekly Highlights:

  • Nightly averaged 7.594 million total viewers, +53,000 (+1%) more than ABC World News Tonight and +696,000 (+10%) ahead of CBS Evening News.
  • Nightly averaged 1.758 million A25-54 viewers, leading ABC by +11,000 (1%) and CBS by +218,000 (+14%).
  • Nightly delivered a 1.5 A25-54 rating, tied with ABC and +2 tenths more than CBS.
  • Nightly averaged 1.256 million A18-49 viewers, leading ABC by +53,000 (+4%) and CBS by +169,000 (+16%).
  • Nightly delivered a 1.0 A18-49 rating, tied with ABC and +1 tenth more than CBS.

Season-to-Date Highlights:

  • Nightly is averaging 8.942 million total viewers, +387,000 more than ABC and +1.730 million more than CBS.
  • Nightly is averaging 2.118 million A25-54 viewers, +4,000 more than ABC and +420,000 more than CBS.
  • Nightly is averaging 1.518 million A18-49 viewers, +92,000 more than ABC and +372,000 more than CBS.

WEEK OF MAY 18-22, 2015

Total Viewers A25-54 Rating A25-54 Viewers A18-49 Ratings A18-49 Viewers
NBC 7.594 1.47 1.758 0.99 1.256
CBS 6.898 1.29 1.540 0.86 1.087
ABC 7.541 1.46 1.747 0.95 1.203


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