TODAY Wins the Week in the Key Demo A25-54 for the First Time Since the Sochi Olympics

TODAY Posts Its Closest Total Viewer Gap with GMA for the 2014 Calendar Year (Excluding TODAY’s Wins in Sochi)

TODAY Gained an Astounding 856k in Total Viewers and 509k in A25-54 Viewers Vs. a Year Ago, the Largest Growth of the Morning Shows

TODAY Cut the Total Viewer Gap with GMA by a Giant 90% Year to Year

TODAY Has Narrowed the Total Viewer Gap with GMA for 5 Straight Weeks

TODAY Was the #1 Morning News Show in A18-49 for 2014

NEW YORK – January 6, 2015 – NBC’s TODAY was the number-one morning show in the key demo A25-54 for the week of December 29, marking its first demo win since the Sochi Olympics.  TODAY was also number one in A18-49, a position it held for the entire 2014 calendar year.

For the week, TODAY posted its tightest total viewer gap with GMA for the 2014 calendar year (excluding its total viewer wins in Sochi).  TODAY has closed the total viewer gap with GMA for five straight weeks, cutting the gap by a whopping 90% year to year.

Versus the same week last season, TODAY posted more gains than any other morning show.  TODAY delivered across-the-board, double-digit growth in total viewers (+21%, or +856,000), A18-49 viewers (+30%, or +329,000), and A25-54 viewers (+36%, or +509,000).


Week of December 29

  • TODAY was the #1 morning show among A25-54 and A18-49 viewers
  • TODAY posted its first win among A25-54 viewers since the second week of the Sochi Olympics (w/o 2/17/2014)
  • TODAY pulled to within 87,000 total viewers of GMA for its best showing since wins during the Sochi Olympics; its tightest gap with GMA in 2014 excluding the Sochi wins.

–           TODAY reduced the total viewer gap versus GMA for the 5th consecutive week

–           TODAY narrowed GMA’s total viewer lead by 90% year-to-year

–           TODAY placed first in RATING A25-54 (1.6) for the 4th consecutive week

–           This is the first time TODAY has placed first (or tied) in RATING A25-54 for 4 straight weeks since the weeks of 2/3, 2/10 & 2/17 (both full weeks of Sochi Olympics competition), and 2/24/2014

–           Versus the same week last season, TODAY posted across-the-board, double-digit growth in total viewers (+21%, or +856,000), A18-49 viewers (+30%, or +329,000), and A25-54 viewers (+36%, or +509,000)

  •    For calendar year 2014 and the current 2014-15 season-to-date, TODAY is the #1 morning news program among A18-49 viewers

–           For the week TODAY averaged 1.916 million in A25-54 viewers, leading GMA by +1,000 viewers and CBS by +994,000 viewers (+108%)

–           TODAY had its second straight victory over GMA in rating M25-54

–           TODAY averaged 4.893 million total viewers, leading CBS by +55% (+1.730 million)

–           TODAY was #1 with 1.425 million A18-49 viewers, leading ABC by +8% (+102,0000) and more than doubling CBS by +119% (+774,000)


Week of December 29

Program HH
TODAY 3.5 14 4,893 1.1 1,425 1.6 1,916
CBS THIS MORNING 2.3 9 3,163 0.5 651 0.8 922
GMA 3.8 15 4,980 1.0 1,323 1.6 1,915


NBC’s TODAY is the news program that informs, entertains, inspires and sets the agenda each morning for Americans. Airing live from 7 am to 11 am ET, TODAY reaches more than 5 million people every day through its broadcast, and millions more through TODAY.com, the TODAY app, and social media platforms. Matt Lauer, Savannah Guthrie, Al Roker, Natalie Morales, Willie Geist, Tamron Hall, Carson Daly, Kathie Lee Gifford and Hoda Kotb are the anchors and hosts, and Don Nash is the executive producer.



For more information contact:

Megan Kopf Stackhouse
NBC News
e: megan.kopf@nbcuni.com

p: 212-664-6205

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