“NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams” Delivers Biggest November Sweep Audience in Eight Years

NBC Broadcast Posts Year-to-Year Gains for 29th Consecutive Sweep Win

For the Week, Nightly Draws Biggest Total Viewer Audience Since Sochi Olympics

DECEMBER 3, 2014 – “NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams” was America’s #1 newscast in total viewers, rating A25-54, and the 18-49 year old demo for the 2014 November sweep period, according to Nielsen Media Research data.

The NBC broadcast delivered its biggest November sweep audience in 8 years (since 2006), growing in total viewers (+2% or +215,000) compared to November 2013.  Among the younger demo A18-49, Nightly topped ABC by +1 tenth rating and +107,000 viewers (+7%).

Nightly has been #1 in total viewers for 29 consecutive sweep periods and 13th straight November sweeps.  Nightly has been #1 in rating A25-54 for 18 consecutive November sweep periods (including 3 ties).  In rating 18-49, Nightly has been #1 for 30 consecutive sweep periods and 18 straight November sweeps.

Season-to-date, Nightly is posting +2% total viewer growth year over year and is delivering its best start to a season in 9 years (since the 2005-06 season).

2014 November Sweep:

  • Nightly averaged 9.533 million total viewers, +6% (+563,000) more than ABC World News Tonight and +30% (+2.172 million) ahead of CBS Evening News.
  • Nightly delivered a 1.9 A25-54 rating, tying for #1 with ABC and leading CBS by +4 tenths.
  • Nightly averaged 2.255 million A25-54 viewers, +22% (+413,000) higher than CBS.
  • Nightly delivered a 1.3 A18-49 rating, topping ABC by +1 tenth and CBS by +3 tenths.
  • Nightly averaged 1.643 million A18-49 viewers, +7% (+107,000) over ABC and +36% (+431,000) over CBS.

Week of November 24-28:

NOTE: NBC is based on a four-day average (Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri) while ABC and CBS are based on two-day averages (Mon, Tue).  Additionally, Nightly was preempted on KSDK in St. Louis on Monday for local coverage of the Ferguson grand jury decision.

  • Nightly averaged 10.357 million total viewers, outperforming ABC by +6% (+576,000) and CBS by +36% (+2.748 million).
  • On the Friday after Thanksgiving, Nightly delivered 12.588 million viewers.
  • Nightly delivered a 2.0 A25-54 rating, topping CBS by +3 tenths.
  • Nightly averaged 2.347 million A25-54 viewers, leading CBS by +18% (+361,000).
  • Nightly delivered a 1.4 A18-49 rating, topping ABC by +1 tenth and CBS by +4 tenths.
  • Nightly ranked #1 with 1.754 million A18-49 viewers, +3% (+43,000) ahead of ABC and +32% (+425,000) more than CBS.
  • Nightly posted the largest week-to-week total viewer growth, increasing by +568,000 viewers (+6%).
  • Nightly saw double-digit growth versus 4Q’14/STD levels in total viewers (+17%, or +1.488 million), A18-49 viewers (+16%, or +248,000), and A25-54 viewers (+13%, or +272,000).



Total Viewers A25-54 Rating A25-54 Viewers A18-49 Rating A18-49 Viewers
NBC 9.533 1.9 2.255 1.3 1.643
CBS 7.361 1.5 1.842 1.0 1.212
ABC 8.970 1.9 2.281 1.2 1.536


WEEK OF NOVEMBER 24-28, 2014

Total Viewers A25-54 Rating A25-54 Viewers A18-49 Rating A18-49 Viewers
NBC 10.357 2.0 2.347 1.4 1.754
CBS 7.609 1.7 1.986 1.0 1.329
ABC 9.781 2.2 2.575 1.3 1.711


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 “NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams” is America’s most-watched evening newscast, going beyond the day’s headlines to uncover stories of how people’s lives are affected by the world around them. “NBC Nightly News” reaches nearly 10 million people every day through its broadcast and millions more through NBCNews.com, the “Nightly News” app, and social media platforms. Brian Williams is the anchor and managing editor and Patrick Burkey is the executive producer.

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