Coming Up On “Meet the Press with Chuck Todd” 11/9/14: Exclusive W/ Gov. Walker; New Faces In Congress; Howard Schultz; Panel

EXCLUSIVE: Chuck Todd sits down with newly re-elected Republican Gov. Scott Walker to discuss the Republican wave and how he sees the GOP’s mandate for governing, on both at the state and the national level.  Plus, his thoughts on the 2016 presidential race and whether he is considering a run.

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NEW FACES: Two newly-elected members of Congress join to discuss their ideas to end gridlock in Washington and how government can work better for Americans. Can both parties really work together to get things done?

Congresswoman-Elect Gwen Graham, (D-FL)

Senator-Elect Mike Rounds, (R-SD)

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THE UNEVEN RECOVERY & THE ROLE OF BUSINESS: The overall economic numbers show a slowly recovering economy, but in small town and rural America, people aren’t feeling it. Chuck will talk to the Chairman & CEO of Starbucks, Howard Schultz about how big business can help these areas of the country recover, what he hopes to see out of Washington in the new year and his initiative to help unemployed veterans.

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POLITICAL PANEL: With a Republican-controlled Congress, what are the prospects of the President and the GOP working together to tackle some of the key issues? How does the new political landscape impact the field for 2016?

Eric Cantor
Fmr. House Majority Leader & Vice Chairman, Moelis & Co

Stephanie Cutter
Fmr. Deputy Campaign Manager for Barack Obama

Jose Diaz-Balart
Anchor, Telemundo’s “Noticiero Telemundo” and “Enfoque” &   Host of MSNBC’s Jose Diaz-Balart

Amy Walter
National Editor, The Cook Political Report

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  • Following the Republican wave in the midterms, Chuck Todd talks with former DNC Chair, Howard Dean, about how the Democratic Party will pick up the piece.
  • NBC News Correspondent Luke Russert travels to Georgia to see towns that were left behind in the economic recovery.

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Media contacts

For more information contact:
Maggie Steenland
NBC News