Coming Up on “Meet The Press With Chuck Todd” 10/19/14: Ebola Summit

THIS SUNDAY: The “Meet the Press” summit on Ebola.  There is no epidemic in America, but there is an outbreak of hysteria.  What do we really know about the disease?  Plus: real questions about government accountability as pressure builds on Washington.  Will the president’s new czar make a difference? Does Congress share responsibility for the lack of preparedness?  And how are politicians playing on the public’s fear?


Dr. Anthony Fauci
Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases


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Laurie Garrett
Senior Fellow, Council of Foreign Relations & Author, “The Coming Plague: Newly Emerging Diseases in a World Out of Balance”


Dr. Gabe Kelen
Professor and Chair, Department of Emergency Medicine, Johns Hopkins University


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Senator Bob Casey (D-PA)
Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions


Senator Roy Blunt (R-MO)
Senate Committee on Appropriations


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Andrea Mitchell
NBC News Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent


Stephanie Cutter
Fmr. Deputy Campaign Manager for Barack Obama


Mike Murphy
Republican Strategist


Manu Raju
Senior Congressional Reporter, POLITICO


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Media contacts

For more information contact:
Maggie Steenland
NBC News