NBC News Exclusive: British PM David Cameron Tells Brian Williams The Fight Against ISIS Is “A Fight You Cannot Opt Out Of”

Cameron: “The threat is very clear. … These people want to kill us.”

SEPTEMBER 23, 2014 — In an exclusive interview with “NBC Nightly News” anchor and managing editor Brian Williams today, British Prime Minister David Cameron addressed the threat of ISIS, saying there’s “no doubt” that the terrorist organization has “already undertaken and is planning further plots in Europe and elsewhere.”

A transcript of this excerpt is below and video is online here: http://nbcnews.to/1B3DfLm.

The extended interview will air tonight on “NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams” and post on NBCNews.com.

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You talked about the ISIS threat, what is the ISIS threat to the U.K.? And what have you learned further about the ISIS threat to our country?


I think the threat is very clear. You’ve got here not a terrorist organization that is, as it were, leeching off another state as we had in Afghanistan with Al Qaeda and the Taliban state. Here you’ve got ISIS, which is a terrorist organization controlling a state. It has oil, it has money, it has territory, it has weapons.

And there’s no doubt in my mind it has already undertaken and is planning further plots in Europe and elsewhere, specifically in Belgium, in Brussels. It was an ISIS plot that went into a Jewish museum and killed entirely innocent people. And there are other plots they have been attempting including in my own country– in order to kill and maim innocent people. And the same applies to the United States of America.

So this is a fight you cannot opt out of. These people want to kill us. They’ve got us in their sights and we have to put together this coalition — working with radical support, all those countries I mentioned — to make sure that we ultimately destroy this evil organization.

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