SINGAPORE, LONDON, August 7, 2024 – CNBC, First in Business Worldwide, has named the top insurtech companies from around the world for the first time as part of an ongoing collaboration with Statista, a leading international provider of market and consumer data.
The list includes some of the biggest names in the emerging sector – ZhongAn, Lemonade and Marshmallow – and highlights the geographic markets dominating insurance technology. Of the 150 companies, 69 hail from the United States whilst 20 are located in the United Kingdom, and 11 in India.
Statista’s methodology involved the assessment of over 1,000 eligible companies by a team of analysts between March and May 2024. Companies were categorized into six market segments: claim and fraud management, digital brokerage and comparison platforms, digital insurers, marketing sales and distribution, policy administration and admintech, and underwriting and risk analysis. Each company’s final score was based on overarching and segment-specific key performance indicators.
Out of the six categories, digital insurers topped the list as the largest segment with 35 of the companies classed as insurance carriers and MGAs that use technology to offer an online and personalized insurance experience. Marketing, sales and distribution — which refers to companies that provide tools and services to improve the way insurance products are launched, marketed, and distributed — was the second largest segment, with 30 companies.
CNBC revealed the list across the network’s platforms, including on international business day programming and a digital report.
Visit to see which insurtech companies made the list and read more about the methodology here.
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About Statista
Statista is one of the world’s leading business data platforms. Statista publishes reputable rankings and company lists with high profile media partners across the globe. This research and analysis service is based on the success of, the leading data and business intelligence portal providing business relevant data, consumer surveys, and market reports.
Media Contact
Eden Kyle, Senior Communications Manager, CNBC International