
CNBC Exclusive: CNBC Excerpts: United Airlines CEO Oscar Munoz Speaks with CNBC’s Phil LeBeau


WHEN: Today, Wednesday, January 22, 2020

WHERE: Airing throughout CNBC’s Business Day programming

The following are excerpts from a CNBC EXCLUSIVE interview with United Airlines CEO Oscar Munoz and CNBC’s Phil LeBeau which is airing throughout CNBC’s Business Day programming today Wednesday, January 22, 2020. The following is a link to video of the full interview on

All references must be sourced to CNBC.

Oscar Munoz on Q4:

We had to face a lot of headwinds last year, not only the Max, with some geopolitical issues. So, I am really proud of our people to pull off a whole year. That is four quarters of margin expansion. Five on an adjusted basis. And so, it is just a really good fitting end to a 2019 that was a little rocky at points within the business community. But our folks pushed through.

Oscar Munoz on Coronavirus:

The safety and the security of our employees and our customers is first. We are working close with public health agencies like the CDC. At this point in time they have not suggested any additional precautions for us, but at the same time we are staying very, very vigilant. And, again, we’ll of course do as directed.

Oscar Munoz on Boeing:

Ultimately, we have to trust in the process, that Boeing is committed to working with regulators here in the U.S., as well as around the world. And that is a process that has worked for a long time. So, it is important that we let that whole process work out. So, as far as guidance, we will just continue to watch and monitor. And again, we will continue to deliver like we did last year.

Oscar Munoz on Capacity:

They have figured out how to maintain and repair and bring other aircraft in town, to use things that we have laying around, to borrow, beg and get other aircraft online. So, our team has done a great job of making sure we have you know enough capacity to fit our needs.

For more information contact:

Jennifer Dauble
t: 201.735.4721
m: 201.615.2787

Emma Martin
t: 201.735.4713
m: 551.275.6221